Wednesday, October 5, 2016

$12 Harvest Sign

I am so happy we are in the middle of this week - it has started off to be a doozy and I literally just wrote Monday and Tuesday off - both days were fails.

Anyway, this past weekend I finally finally finished a super easy project that I've been wanting to do for a couple of years now - pretty much ever since I saw this pin

I set off to Home Depot (sans kids!!) and picked out the best looking 1 x 10 board. I thought the height of 6ft was a tad too tall so I had them cut off 9 inches - just eyeballed the height I would want.

After my wood was cut, I headed over the paint section to get a sample of orange paint. I shocked myself and was able to pick out an orange color in 5 minutes! I ended up going with Peking Orange by Glidden.

This was all I needed for my project since the rest of stuff I had at home.

First, I stained the piece of wood super dark, jacobean to be exact. I let that dry then I painted on the orange. I used a brush because I wanted a weathered look, not a smooth look. I did two coats and was happy with how it looked.


For the letters, I pulled out my trusty silhouette portrait and got to work. I cut out each letter on a piece of cardstock and used that as my stencil.  I laid them out on the board and taped them down with painters tape and dabbed white paint (that I already had on hand) on with a foam brush.


 Once it dried, I sprayed the whole thing with a clear coat.

And then set it on our front stoop. So easy, so cheap and so cute!!!

This little project cost me just under $12 and I would say that's a win!

*linking up with Jessi's Deisgn for What's Hap-Pinning Wednesday


  1. SO cute! I really need to get out of my crafting slump and make something soon!

  2. Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Loooooove this, Lizzie! I'll be pinning this for sure!!

  3. WOW, that looks amazing! Totally something you'd pay $45 for from Pier One or something.

  4. My week has been thrown off! Mason had Monday off because it was a fair day. So all day yesterday I thought it was Monday. I’m really happy that it’s Wednesday and not Tuesday like I thought! Ha. Hope today is a turn-around for you guys and that your week gets better. I love love love the Harvest sign! And now I know what I will be doing this weekend. My porch needs one. SO cute. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Your sign came out great! Simple and cost effective projects are my favorite. I'll be pinning this for you :) Beautifully Candid

  6. This turned out fabulous! Great job!!!! Such a great idea to stain then paint the board!

  7. Lizzie this looks amazing!! I can't believe something that big only cost $12! I still have yet to use my Silhouette... one day I played around with it, but it's really complicated! I think I need to watch some YouTube videos!

  8. Super cute idea! We are in the process of buying a new home and I am itching to decorate the front porch for fall once it's ours...may have to steal this idea.

  9. THIS IS PERFECTION. I'm going to steal this idea for sure. Really thought, you've given me so many to do's.

  10. I love it :) so cute Chelsea

  11. I love this. It turned out so good. I need more time to make things like this!!! You made it look so easy!

  12. Love this! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I am sooo doing this!! I absolutely love it!!! Thanks for sharing this =)

  14. I really like it! You did a good job.
