We had such a great weekend, but best of all was Saturday, when we literally spent all day doing fun Christmas festivities.
First the morning started off seeing my niece's first dance recital...OMG so darn cute! So happy I went and saw her!
Once I was home, the little man and I made some ornaments, something I want to start doing every year. He made 1 for each of his preschool teachers and others for his and Ella's little tree. He was so into this and that made me so happy.
Here he is not wanting to look at the camera but still wanting to show off his ornament
This is what Ella thought of decoration ornaments
Next up, we made cookies, yuuuuuuuum. Brayden is always my helper in the kitchen and it's only getting more and more fun :)
I got their cute little aprons from Hobby Lobby as well as those iron ons, so so cute!!
Being goofy
Nice smile Brayden!! (I should mention, Brayden was literally bouncing off the walls shortly after this, guess that's what happens when you eat 10 hershey kisses and cookie dough...)
Later, we gave the kids one of their early presents - this was something I was so looking forward to. Starting the tradition of giving Christmas PJ's and a new movie weeks before Christmas.
And Ella was off...see how much she cares about new PJ's and a movie?!?!
Little man was so excited, but mostly for the movie, I think it took him a few minutes to realize there was something else, LOL
Then we finally decorated our tree!
Couldn't get the little boog to turn around for a pic to save my life. That's OK, he was very focused on hanging those ornaments!!
Loved this day so so much!! Don't know how many more festivities I can cram in, but you better believe I will do as many as possible :)