Happy Wednesday friends! I can't believe we are in the last week of September, seriously, where the heck did the last month go!?
I'm linking up today with
Shay, Mel &
Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday!
What we're eating this week:
On the menu is one of our favorites - sheet pan shrimp fajitas! This the easiest recipe ever! I always make the kids cheese quesadillas when we have this though because they're just not down with shrimp yet
I have some butternut squash just sitting here and I need to put it to use - I'm going to try
this recipe and I hope it's good!
What I'm reminscing about:
Since our Disney trip is coming up very soon I keep thinking back to the last trip. It was the absolute best time and I can't help but wonder if this time will be the same or not? Avery was only 9 months last time and she pretty much slept the entire trip or just sat quietly in the stroller or the carrier - this trip will be a whole other story with her since she doesn't love to just sit anymore LOL
What I'm loving:
These coffee nut M & M's! Seriously, I ate the whole bag within days and I have plans to get more! so so good!!
What we've been up to:
School, school & more school! Since the girls are only 1 school grade apart, they are both in preschool right now and I chose to do separate days so that way I could get one on one time with each but really, it's crazy how much driving I'm doing everyday! I know this isn't even bad so I won't complain, but really that's what I've been up to - driving. LOL
What I'm dreading:
Flying! Ugh I'm the worst flyer and I clearly have to put on my big girl pants for the kids' sake but inside I'll be terrifying. It won't be wrong to start drinking on our 6am flight, right?! :)
What I'm working on:
Well I had a mishap happen to my
FB group that has been a little setback - basically I became target to some trolling/spamming so right now I have some restrictions. I can't even begin to tell you how irritating it has been. Thankfully my hubby has been helping me out but it's just not the same. I just hope once this mess is behind me, I can work on getting the group morale back! It's such a fun group and I have some awesome ladies in there, I don't want to lose that! If you aren't a troll/spammer, I'd love for you to join my group
What I'm excited about:
What I'm watching/reading:
Ahhh who else watched This is Us last night?!?! Looooooove that show!
Also watching Dancing with the Stars (I've been loyal for all 20 something seasons!) Me and the hubby just finished the mini series on Scott Peterson and it was an interesting watch
What I'm listening to:
Silence, ahhhhhh
What I'm wearing:
We just took our family pics and I was so excited to wear my
MMM floral tee!!
I've been loving snuggling up on the couch with my new
blardigan - this thing is like butter, seriously! So glad I scooped it up during the Anniversary sale!
What I'm doing this weekend:
We have dance lessons and a baseball game and I think that's pretty much it! Keeping it low key since last weekend was alot!
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Besides Disney, I'm super excited for all the fun things October will bring - the pumpkin patch, class parties, trick or treating, some fun events through our town - it's going to a great month!
What else is new:
The girls have started dance lessons and they are the cutest! They go Saturday morning to back to back classes so that's how I've been spending my Saturday mornings, meanwhile Rick & Brayden are always at a game - kind of stinks they are at the same time! Ella is also in gymnastics and next month Brayden will start basketball - we are in the busy season that's for sure :)
Duuuuuuh, This is Us!!