Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Happy 5th Birthday Ella Grace!

My dear Ella,

Happy Birthday to you!! Today you are 5, on the 5th which means this is your GOLDEN birthday. How exciting is that?!

I cannot believe we are here, 5 years later from the day you came into the world (much earlier than expected I may add) - these years have flown by and my tiny little peanut has turned into such a beautiful little girl.

Ella, you are so special! When I look at you, I just know you are destined for greatness. You are the sweetest, most compassionate little person and I absolutely love that about you!! You are giving, kind, sincere and just an all around good person. I truly hope these qualities only continue to grow.

You are my crafter, my little artist. Usually you are sitting down and doodling up some awesome drawing or making something. You love to write little letters and roll them up and give them to us. Or you like to put them in envelopes and stamp them with our return address stamp. You are so creative my sweet gal!

You are such a good big sister!! You take of Avery so well (even though Miss A doesn't always want/need or appreciate it) - you tend to her if she gets hurt, you help her get on the potty if she needs help, you are always willing to lend a hand to her. You are a great little sister too although I think you love your Mama role in regards to being older than Avery.

You and Brayden have your own special bond. Some days you two fight non stop and others it's just  you and him, hanging out in eachother's rooms, telling eachother secrets and getting along so well! I hope your relationship with both Brayden & Avery remains strong throughout the years.

You are one smart cookie! You are learning sight words, you have impeccable handwriting, and you are are a whiz at puzzles. I have a feeling you are going to LOVE learning when you are in elementary school.

You are Mommy's little helper and you love it that way! You ALWAYS want to help me when I'm cleaning, cooking, or doing pretty much anything. I love that you are so eager and willing to help and I always appreciate the things you do for me.

You are a Mama's girl when you want to be and a Daddy's girl when you want to be. I love the moments you want me because for so long you were only about your Daddy :)

Baby girl, today we will celebrate the day you made our lives better by adding to our family!


I love you so much Ella, Happy Birthday!!


*linking up with Lindsays Sweet World & Our Pretty Little Girls


  1. Happy happy birthday Ella! You are beautiful, just like your mama!

  2. Happy birthday sweet girl! One whole hand is so exciting!

  3. Happy Birthday Ella! Have a sweet day relishing her. She sounds like the sweetest little artist and big sister around :). Xoxo ERIN

  4. Happy Birthday, Ella!! I love your sweet birthday posts to your kids. She sounds like such an amazing big sister.

  5. Happy Birthday, sweet Ella! I hope she has a great day!

  6. Happy happy birthday, Ella!! Enjoy celebrating her today!

  7. Happy Birthday sweet girl! Enjoy every moment of your golden year.

  8. Yup...tears over here! Happy Belated Birthday, Ella!!!
