Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend 2013

We had a great Memorial Day weekend – it was filled with tons of family time and we also got a lot of house stuff done.  

We did a lot of playing outside, a lot of staying up late, and a lot of eating!!

Friday, my nieces came over for a playdate, this made Brayden’s day!

Love my family!!

I don't know why he smiles like this!?


Playtime at the Mall - Ella was too exhausted to participate :)

Out to lunch - look at that grin on baby girls face!!


Being silly :) (my Iphone takes the worst pics!)

I could spend every weekend just with my little family and be perfectly happy!!!  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Family Fun -Duck Feeding

A few weeks ago I thought it would be fun to take Brayden to a nearby park to feed the ducks, we have only done this with him once before and he was much younger so I thought he would really enjoy it now, and he did!!  It was so fun and cute to see him feed them, he was so excited and happy which makes me oh so happy.

This was so fun I hope to make it a monthly tradition while the weather is nice :)

My boys - love them to pieces!

Ella had fun too!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

DIY Sandbox

I had been scouring Pinterest to get some sandbox ideas and out of everything I saw, liked this one the best. I showed the hubs and asked if he could make it, he said yes, probably thinking in a month or two, but he should have known better, I wanted it like the next weekend.  :)

We didn't follow the tutorial from the pin, but did use the look as a guideline to how we wanted ours.  We decided on a 5' x 5' sandbox and the hubs went to the store and picked up all of the wood/screws/etc that he would need.  

The hubs and his little helper got started! Do you see Brayden with his measuring tape? Ahhh this little boy is so cute and he was beyond excited to be getting a sandbox!

Once he dug out the 5' x 5' section I thought it wasn't big enough, I wanted it just a tad bigger, but only if it was that easy! He had already bought the wood and the pieces he bought were 10' long so cutting those in half would not get us to the new size of 6' x 6'.  Yep, he had to return all of the wood he bought and get all new wood - he was a good sport about it but it definitely set him back a while, I'll know better for next time :)

He came back with the new wood and started building the frame...

He then added some support off the sides to give extra support for the seating

Brayden checking the status

Next came on the seating

Daddy's little helper had to take a popsicle break - it's hard work asking when the sandbox will be ready 1000 times :)

Next up came the posts....

Almost ready for some sand...

Little man couldn't wait, he had to get in there!

He is never going to come inside again....

Here's a final look at our new sandbox.  Love it so much!!! The hubby did an AMAZING job, he is so talented and I am so proud of his work.  Our kiddos are so lucky to have such a good Daddy, and even though they don't realize it yet, one day they will appreciate the things he does for them, at least, I hope :)

**** Updated 6.26.13 *****

My hubby gave me a list of materials and sizes he used:

Base - 2" x 10" x 6' (4 pcs)
Supports - 2" x 3" x 2' (8 pcs)
Seating - 2" x 8" x 6'10.5"
Uprights - 2" x 3" x 5'8"
Uprights support (wood around top of uprights) - 2" x 3" x 8' lumber (cut to fit)
Canopy supports - 2" x 3" x 8' lumber (cut to desired overhang)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cookie Cutter Bird Feeders

We can cross off one of our Spring activities on our to do list :)  A couple of weeks ago we made the cookie cutter bird feeders.  It was super easy and alot of fun for the little guy.

He chose the 2 shapes to make, a dinosaur and a star.  He was very excited the next day (after they had dried) to go outside and hang them up! They must have been a big hit with the birdies because they are now gone.  Brayden keeps asking where they went so we may have to re-visit this little craft again in the near future.

Monday, May 20, 2013

*Fun Fair*

Every year the park district has a Preschool Fun Fair day which is a day filled with games, pony rides, a petting zoo, train rides and much more.  Last year was the first year I took Brayden and he had fun, but nowhere near as much fun as he had this year.  

Last year he would not even walk around in the little petting zoo, this year he went in (voluntarily!) and proceeded to pet a little lamb, over and over.  He was OBSESSED with this little guy, and I kind of was too, he was so cute!  

Next we went and played some of the games, which again, last year Brayden wouldn't even participate in but this year he wanted to play every one.  I was so proud watching him, he really is turning into a little man right before my eyes!

They had a little area where you could decorate a bag to hold all of your prizes.

The one thing Brayden kept asking to do was ride the train.  The line for the train is always the longest but of course we headed over.  I knew it would be about a 30 minute wait, and anyone with a toddler knows that is practically an eternity, so I was a little worried but he did great.  Thankfully he found a roly poly that kept him occupied most of the wait :)

Oh my gosh, just look at that little boy! Please stop growing!!!!

Love you more than you will ever know little boy!

We ended our day by getting some food and eating a delicious cupcake.  It was such a fun time and I am so happy we went and really look forward to next year when Ella will be able to participate as well.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Our Mother’s Day didn’t exactly go as I had planned in my head, and if you know me, you know I plan things out exactly how I want them to go (in my head) and get a tiny bit irritated if they don’t go as planned (again, in my head) – Yes, I know this seems crazy and I have promised the hubs I am working on this :)

When we first got up the hubby made me pancakes and sausage, my breakfast request.  Then he and Brayden gave me my gifts – the kids and him made the big flower pots and my Mom and the kids made the smaller ones, I LOVE homemade personalized gifts, that is all I ever want and I’m so happy they both worked to give me some.

After breakfast, originally the 4 of us were going to go to the zoo (I had asked for a membership for Mother’s Day) but the morning of, Little Miss woke up with a fever.  Brayden just had the fever a few days prior so we knew it was coming.  I still wanted to go to the zoo and Brayden had been looking forward to it for days so we still went and the hubs stayed back with Ella.  Surprisingly, I really didn’t mind this, but not like I had a choice in the matter either, he he.

I had so much fun with this little guy!!  He just makes my heart melt, literally! He is my first baby who made me a Mother and because of him I get to celebrate this day for the rest of my life.  

He loved being the handler of the map, he wouldn't put it down, ever!

When we got home from the zoo we all headed over to my Grandma’s house, this is usually where my side of the family goes on Mother’s Day.  This year there weren’t too many people there though but it was good to see my Mom, sister and Grandma.  Every year we have gone since Brayden has been born, he has been in the worst mood and this year was no exception :) The hubs says it’s tradition, LOL

A while back I took my Mom and Grandma to get a professional picture taken of us with Ella, for the 4 generations of females.  I gave each one a famed picture from that day, it turned out so beautiful!  We also took some with Brayden but to say he wasn’t cooperating would be putting it nicely :)

Then we went by my in-laws for a late lunch/early dinner.  I made my Mom and Mother in Law each a painted pot with the kids handprints as well.  I also love making homemade/personalized gifts for the Grandparents, it’s just so fun and sentimental!

Mother’s Day has a whole new meaning to me ever since becoming a Mother myself.  My kids have brought me true happiness and meaning in my life.  I am so thankful to my hubby as well for giving these 2 little people to me.  I love my family beyond words and cherish the memories we continue to make.  I look forward to many many more Mother's Day celebrations!