Happy Tuesday! Wow, Summer is turning out to kick my butt in the blogging dept, I just find myself with no time! And the little time I do have I'm just trying to stay awake for 30 minutes to hang with Rick. I guess it's a good thing in a way, because we are enjoying our days to the fullest!!
Here's a look back at a super fun week we had!
Monday was our errands day, grocery shopping and what not and chill at the house day - we played games, played some Wii Sports and I got a little housework done.
Tuesday we went bowling with some friends and the kids had a blast! After a couple hours of bowling, the same friends came over to play for a few hours - the kids played so nice, as long as I kept the girls separate from the boys and vice versa LOL
Tuesday night we had nothing going on so we took the kids to see a semi-professional baseball game - we are lucky that the stadium is 5 minutes from our house. Me and Rick laughed that on a night off from baseball, we took the girls to a baseball game LOL Once their snacks were done they kept asking to leave, so we made it to the 6th inning even though Brayden begged us to stay longer. Rick did manage to get Brayden a foul ball and he was thrilled!
Wednesday we met up with some friends at another towns splash pad/park - we packed lunch and made a day of it staying there for over 4 hours! The kids have been begging to go back ever since
Thursday we had plans with my Mom - we were taking the kids on the train to a train restaurant a few towns over (they bring the food out on a train) The morning started off great, and the kids were so excited, then we got on the train and Ella & Avery got a little nervous, I'm not sure why since they have been on the train before, but anyway, they announced our stop and by the time we walked down the doors had shut and we were on our way to the next stop - WHOOPS! We totally didn't realize you need to be already down waiting when they announce the stop, LOL. The kids freaked a little bit and then calmed down - we go to the next station and had to wait 40 minutes for the next train - given the situation, the kids were so patient and I was so proud of them.
We arrived an hour later than expected at the train restaurant and we were ready to eat! The kids had so much fun as did my Mom and I. After the restaurant, I had arranged with my cousin (who is a cop) earlier in the day to get a tour of the department since it was right by the restaurant. Unfortunately my cousin wasn't working but his co-worker hooked the kids up with sweet swag bags filled with awesome goodies and a tour - the kids, especially Brayden, were in Heaven!!
After the police station tour, we walked around the little town and stopped a cute shop, did some shopping then headed back to the train. It was another fun filled day!!
Friday we went to Hobby Lobby and Target then it was an afternoon spent cleaning the house while the kids entertained themselves. Friday night Brayden had a baseball game then we all came home and crashed
Saturday morning was another baseball game then since it was in the 90's we headed to my in laws to swim. My friend and her kids came over too since our husbands went together to get fireworks and were going to be gone most of the day. Once they got back into town, they met up with us and it turned into an entire day/night hang out which is always fun. I think the kids swam for a straight 6.5 hours!
Sunday was Father's Day and wouldn't you know it, we had a baseball game. It was a good game although again, it was in the 90's, but the boys played well even though they lost. Afterwards we headed to my in laws for another fun filled day full of swimming and BBQ'ing. We came home and were exhausted from all the sun we got over the weekend!
And now we're full swing into this week - Brayden started his first camp of summer yesterday and the rest of the week is up in the air of what we'll do when he gets out.
And just a reminder, we have our monthly Girl Chat linkup this Thursday - this months topic is Favorite Hair Products! I'm excited because I don't use that many so I want to see what everyone recommends!