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Note to self, stop taking pictures on Iphone and at night! |
Due Date: 8/8/2014
How far along: 21 weeks - whoa how did that happen?!
How far along: 21 weeks - whoa how did that happen?!
How big is baby: Approx. the size of a pomegranate
Weight gain: Don't even want to know
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning happening now, but still getting plenty, I am still so dang tired all the time.
Best moment of the week: Celebrating my Mama's birthday and my Brother in law's birthday :)
Movement: Oh yes, baby girl is definitely doing gymnastics in there!
Food cravings: This week it was pepperoncini's - I was making a salad for my brother in laws party and wanted to put them in so bad so I packed up the kids Friday night and went to the store, then bought an extra jar for myself and they are almost gone... My father in law was over yesterday and he said don't those set the baby on fire!? LOL
Food aversions: Nada
Maternity Clothes: Mostly everything now
Wedding rings: Down to just my engagement ring!
Symptoms: - Really bad lower back pain in my left side, like almost can't walk kind of pain, thankfully it isn't all the time.
Stretch Marks: None - praying it stays that way
Belly button: In
Gender: A GIRL!
What I’m looking forward to: warm weather and Brayden starting gymnastics this week
What I miss: Not feeling huge!
Next appt: 4/8/14
Thankful for: Nice weather on Sunday - the kids got to run around the yard all afternoon. Ella's new favorite thing is to go down the slide, I think she did that 100 times, he he