So a couple of weeks ago when the hubs took Brayden to Home Depot for their kids workshop, I took Ella Bella to Build a Bear. It was so fun having Mommy/daughter time!
Here she is waiting to go in. It takes ALOT to get any kind of emotion out of this girl, she is pretty serious most of the time and right here she was pretty focused on eating cheerios out of her snack trap.
It took us me forever to pick out a bear!
Selfies with my girlie |
She definitely liked playing with these buttons :)
I'm pretty sure hands down, her favorite part was when we got to pick out the clothes, AKA open every drawer and pull everything out.
She did NOT like that her bear was getting a bath - she refused to help
Here she is registering her bear, again AKA push every button and then get mad when I try to actually type the correct info in, little stinker :)
And her she is with Sparkle, our newest addition!! Of course, Sparkle is wearing a Disney princess shirt, I mean, what else would she wear?!
Even though she had no clue what was going on, I absolutely loved spending some quality time with my little girl!
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