Thursday, July 31, 2014

Week before baby

I've been off all week so I could have time to spend with my kiddos before their baby sis arrives this Friday. It's been so nice being with them all day/night but also exhausting since I am practically 10 months pregnant! It is amazing how much growing a little person takes out of you. By the end of each day I am physically in pain, but I know it's all worth it and the end is so near!

I really am soaking up this quality time with Brayden & Ella as I know my time is only going to be divided more come the next few days.  I do worry how I will balance it all once we have a newborn in the house but somehow I just know it will all work itself out.

I am so excited for our family to grow and I cannot wait to meet this little girl!!

Here's what we've been up to all week

Lots of coloring for Ella Bella and Brayden has been back into doing puzzles this week

I started baby girls baby book (and finished!!)

Went shopping for a few new items for baby girl and while at the store we couldn't find Ella, turns out she snuck under a clothes display and was very proud of herself for doing so!

Took the kids to the mall so they could play and had lunch at McDonald's or like Brayden calls it "the big M"

More puzzles!!

Spent lots of time outside - on this day I think we hung out in the sandbox alone for over an hour, we were all so messy and had so much fun

Just had to snap a pic of this little one snuggling with me, it's a rare occurrence!

Yum! Finally indulged in my carrot cake craving I've had for months.  Who cares that this was at 10am?!

We celebrated the hubby's 32nd birthday (although Brayden insisted he was 21!)

Took goofy selfies with my favorite boy!

Lots of park time!! 

girl loves her slides!

It's a little crazy to think I am 1 day away from meeting my new little princess! I have managed to keep myself so busy all week that it's finally just hitting me now! I am definitely getting more and more excited as it gets closer, but with that also comes the nerves.  I am thankful I will have my hubby right by my side and I really just can't wait until it's over so she can finally just be in my arms!

I am going to miss Brayden & Ella like crazy while I'm in the hospital but I know their Daddy will take the best care of them.  I am really looking forward to when they all come visit and we can enjoy some time as a new family of 5

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our Kitchen Table Reveal

I've yet to show any of our house remodel yet (just can't get around to taking some decent pictures!) but I will show you our new kitchen table!!! I am literally in love people!!

If you remember back when I was still dreaming of our table, I was considering hiring a guy to build it for us. Well, after talking to him and going back and forth, we decided to build ourselves, and by we, I mean the husband, and by ourselves, I mean himself. 

We were quoted $1500 for the table and bench, I thought his pricing was a little much considering I knew what he charged for a standard table and he was charging much more than included the special kind of legs I wanted.  We knew we could build for MUCH less.

I started with printing off Ana White's husky farmhouse table plans and giving them to the hubby - he tweaked them a little and we didn't follow exactly but it was definitely the foundation of our project.

Here is our new farmhouse table!! Isn't she beautiful!!!!!!!!??? 

I am still so in love every time I walk in this room and see her!! I don't think I could ever get tired of this table (at least I hope I don't!)

It was a lot of work for my hubby and he managed to squeeze in working on it on the weekends and still give his attention to me and the kids.  I am so grateful he built me my dream table! Saving money was of course a plus, but just having such a nice piece of furniture that we can tell people my hubby made us is so rewarding!

I ended up ordering these chairs from Amazon - I wanted solid wood black chairs and also didn't want to spend more than the table :)

Now if I only I can get around to showing off the rest of our house...maybe by Christmas :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Baby # 3 - 38 Week Bumpdate

Now that's a BIG belly!

Due Date: 8/8/2014 --- Scheduled Repeat C-section set for 8/1!
(holy crap, that is only 4 days away)

How far along: 38 weeks 
How big is baby: Approx. the size of a pumpkin
Weight gain: Pretty sure I'm at 40lbs! Last week at the dr I had gained 3lbs in 1 week! I'm not stressing since there's no point, but I am fully aware of how hard this is going to be to get off.
Sleep: Sam sleeping arrangements going on, start in the recliner then move to our bed but still sleeping sitting up. Usually around an hour before I get up, I lay down on my side, that hour is my favorite! I wake up with my hands tingly and completely numb and some days it takes a while to get them back to normal but throughout the day it's fine. I probably get up to pee 4-5 times, no joke
Best moment of the week:  Finishing work so I can have some much needed rest time before baby as well as lots of cuddle and playtime with Brayden & Ella before their lives are turned upside down

Mvement: Oh yes! She still moves a ton. It's pretty cool when I can actually see her on the outside moving around
Food cravings:  Nope, and I've actually had less of an appetite this week

Food aversions: Not really
Maternity Clothes:  Yep!
Wedding rings: Off
Symptoms:  Heartburn/reflux, carpal tunnel, braxton hicks and just so much pressure going on down there, I feel like she is going to fall out some days
Stretch Marks: Ughh yes! I can't believe they came this pregnancy and so close to the end too, boo!
Belly button:  Pretty much all out and just so big
Gender: A girl!
What I’m looking forward to:   Baby girl coming this Friday!!!!!!!! I am really soaking in these last few days even though I am extremely uncomfortable. It's been nice growing this little one inside and bonding with her but I will enjoy her even more when she is out :)
What I miss:  Being able to bend over and just sit comfortably, it is amazing how this big belly is just in the way of everything!
Next appt: Don't have one! Next time I'll see my dr will be Friday morning, unless she comes before then!! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Brayden's 4th Birthday

I still can't believe my baby is 4!! 

Here's a little 4th birthday recap:

I had to snap this pic the night before his birthday, this was his last night as a 3 year old!! I couldn't help but tear up a little watching him sleep (sidenote: do other parents do this or I am the only creep? I always watch my kids sleep!)

When woke up he was 4!! He was pretty darn excited about it too

We started the morning trying to get the little man to open the presents me and the hubs got him but he just wasn't into it - now tell me what kid sees presents wrapped for them and does NOT want to open them!? My kid, that's who. He is very sweet in that he always wants to do everything with us so opening his presents was no exception, but we kept telling him that we were the ones who got him the presents so we couldn't open them.  Finally after about an hour, he opened them! One of his gifts was Kinetic Sand - if you haven't heard about this stuff you're missing out -  It held his attention for well over an hour and little sis even got to join in

After he opened our gifts, my in laws and SIL and future BIL came over for a birthday breakfast.  They picked up food from a local diner and we ate like crap good that morning! After he opened their presents they headed home and we all just relaxed for a little.  When it was time to put Ella down for a nap my Mom offered to come over to watch her so we could take our birthday boy to a local children's amusement park.

We got there and quickly realized it was a little lame - even Brayden thought it was lame, just not in those words of course.  We did a few things and then realized only 10 minutes had passed and we didn't want to take him home just yet so we decided to go see a movie - How to Train Your Dragon 2 - it was really cute and I never saw the first but still really enjoyed it.  Our little guy was getting restless towards the end and super tired but he made it.  

He looks thrilled, doesn't he?!

sooo tired!

When we got home, my Mom, sister, BIL, nephew, cousins, aunt & uncle came over for pizza and cake.  We let the little man stay up super late that night and shocker - he was still up super early the next day!

The next day was Brayden's little kid party, he was so excited to see his friends from school and his cousins! The party was at a place called Firezone.  It is geared towards little kids and is both educational and fun.  There are real firefighters who take you through sections of the "firehouse" and explain what happens during a fire and what firefighters do.  The firefighter gave Brayden the white fire hat since he was the Fire Chief and in typical Brayden fashion, he cried when the firefighter put it on his head.  We told him it was OK and I just made sure to stay close to him in the beginning until he felt comfortable.

Finally a smile!

Took him a while but he finally went down the pole!

Ummm, how cute is my little fire chief Ella!? Girlfriend was all over the place here and loving it!

Brayden and his preschool buddies, these boys are so cute when they are together!

All the little kiddos!

Honestly, there is nothing better than seeing pure joy and happiness through your child's eyes! My heart melts when I see them happy!

Once the fire house part of the party was over, it was time for cupcakes! It was really cute seeing all Brayden's little friends asking to sit by him, you could tell he didn't know what to do!

The party was only 90 minutes but honestly didn't feel rushed at all and I think it's safe the say that everyone had a ton of fun - so much so that when we were leaving, one of Brayden's buddies was begging to come home with us, he even went to our car with Brayden and wouldn't leave the cars side.  His mom had to grab him and take him to their car and he cried the whole way! Brayden was also crying because he didn't want to leave - he even managed to say "I'm so sad my party is over" in between crying.  We had a good laugh over this, these boys are just too cute I swear!

I think our boy had the best 4th birthday possible, I mean he basically celebrated for 2 straight days! We love you little guy!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Worry Worry Worry

I am a HUGE worrier - like borderline I question myself daily if I should seek help for it...(I'm only half kidding there)  I think I've always been a little bit of a worrier, but add bringing your very own tiny human(s) into the mix, and that has set my worry into overdrive.  I seriously worry about everything, and I am well aware that 99 % of the things I worry about are completely out of my control.  So why waste time worrying?? I WISH I KNEW. I wish I could tell myself to turn off the worry but I just can't.

I worry if my kids will stop breathing in the middle of the night
I worry that if my Mom doesn't answer her phone the first time I call that something is terribly wrong
I worry that my husband will get in a car accident on his way home from work
I worry about my kids getting sick, like really sick
I worry about my kids eating when I'm not around (what if they choke!?) 
I worry about my kids going out and about with anyone but myself or my hubby
I worry that I won't get to see my kids grow up and see them have kids
I worry when my husband calls me out of the blue that something is wrong with our kids
I worry about a plane crashing while myself or loved ones are on it
I worry about having another c-section

Well now you know I am borderline psycho! I mean who worries like this?! Clearly only a crazy person like myself.  

I think my worry is really setting in now that I'm so so close to having our 3rd baby.  I am definitely nervous/anxious to have another c-section, but I'm trying so hard not to let negative thoughts consume my mind.  I know this is routine and all will be fine, but part of me just can't fully believe that (for some crazy unknown reason that I wish I knew)

I have really tried to make an effort to worry less - I read a quote a while back that struck a cord with me

"Worrying is like praying for something bad to happen"

Well I sure as hell don't want anything bad to happen! So I need to turn these negative, worrying thoughts around and try to be more positive.  I am always seeing the doom and gloom in things (this is probably thanks to the internet and the abundance amount of sad/scary articles that are posted and that I just so happen to click on and read) 

I really am not a negative person contrary to the above. I think it's my worrying that really makes me appreciate what we have in this world, but I still know it is not healthy to worry to the extreme I do. 

I'm about to be a Mom to 3 little ones, I need to be a role model for them and I cannot live my life in fear of things I mostly cannot control.  I know this will take time but I really am going to make the extra effort. If I start to obsessively worry, I will try and turn it around into something positive.

Does anyone else worry this much? Or about things you just cannot control? Or am I the only looney bin out there? 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Baby # 3 - 37 Week Bumpdate

Due Date: 8/8/2014 --- Scheduled Repeat C-section set for 8/1!!

How far along: 37 weeks - it's really hitting me that she will be here in 2 weeks or less!
How big is baby: Approx. the size of a bunch of swiss chard
Weight gain: I'm hanging out right around 38lbs
Sleep: Still sleeping sitting up, both in the recliner and our bed, now I'm waking up to horrible carpal tunnel and my hands are completely numb and tingly, I'm just so grateful this didn't start until the end with this pregnancy! I get up probably 3-4 times a night to pee and I'm sure it's a hilarious sight to see me roll my big butt out of bed!
Best moment of the week:  The hubby finished our new kitchen table and it's gorgeous!!!!!! Also got some nursery stuff done :)

Mvement: Yes! I will definitely miss it once she is out 
Food cravings:  Nothing in particular, I just want to eat everything

Food aversions: Nope!
Maternity Clothes:  Yep!
Wedding rings: Off
Symptoms:  Heartburn/reflux, carpal tunnel, braxton hicks
Stretch Marks: Still have those 2 areas with some stretch marks, they haven't gotten worse though so I'm hoping that's a good sign they will go away one day!
Belly button:  Pretty much all out and just so big
Gender: A girl!
What I’m looking forward to:   My last week of work is this week!! Then hopefully I'll have all next week to hang out with the kiddos and get more stuff ready.
What I miss:  A solid good nights sleep, but I know that won't be happening for a looooong time
Next appt: 7/23/14

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday to my little man


Brayden, my firstborn, my only son, my favorite little boy, Happiest 4th Birthday to you!!!

I'm 4!!
Of course I have to say it, just where the heck did the time go?! As I sit here writing this, I am holding back tears.  I am of course just so happy that you are growing and thriving into your own person, but it makes me a little sad to see my baby boy becoming just grown up!  I have to constantly look back through pictures or videos because it’s becoming harder and harder to remember when you were a baby, when you were 1, when you were 2, and even 3! (That is called Mommy brain, son) It is so true what everyone says, time just flies by once you have kids!

Ok, on to the stuff about YOU! I’ve noticed that approaching 4 you have started this new found attitude, which you can feel free to stop at any time J If you do not like what me or your Dad has to say, you instantly have a come back, usually negative and it use to stop me in my tracks, and now it’s just so routine with you.  I am really trying to curb this behavior but I know you are just trying to find your independence in this big world and that *hopefully* this is just a small phase that will pass soon.  Of course, usually soon after you have your attitude you then come up and tell me how much you love me.

Even though you have this new attitude you are still SO sweet.  When I come home from work every day, you instantly say “I missed you so much while you were at work” and give me a kiss and a hug.  Randomly you tell me or your Dad that you just need “a big hug and kiss” – oddly this is usually right in the middle of dinner J You will tell me I am the bestest Mommy and that you love me the mostest and of course at night you always tell me “I love you back and to the moon” which I in turn say “ I love you to infinity and beyond” You are so sweet to Maxwell, you lay on the floor with him and tell him how cute he is or what a good dog he is, it’s so sweet to watch.  You can be very sweet to Ella, but then that can change in an instant as well. 

Ahh you and your sister Ella – you two have definitely formed quite the relationship over the past few months.  Some days it’s awesome and others it’s hard to watch and I am yelling at you guys to leave eachother alone.  You share things with her on your terms, but then there are times you just join in what she is doing and you guys start playing so nicely together.  Your favorite thing to do with sissy is for you to sit in her little car and have her push you around the kitchen/playroom.  You guys get a kick out of his and it is quite hysterical to watch.

Our bedtime routine goes like this, read book, turn off lights and I lay with you and proceed to tell you a story with my mouth (that is how you request it), then you ask me to rub your back, then zip it (which is me just running my fingers over it) then you ask me to do “the walking thing” (where I use 2 fingers and they pretend to “walk” on your back) then you ask me, “give me 10 kisses on my cheek faster” which means you want me to give you 10 kisses alternating cheeks as fast as I can go, then you do the same to me.  After this I then say goodnight again and try to leave but then you say “wait Princess Mommy, I want to marry you!” or you ask for another kiss and hug but say “I want to be as tall as you are” so you stand on your bed and we kiss and hug again.  It’s so so cute how you don’t want me to leave your room and I really do cherish these little moments we have every night.  I know you and me have a special bond and I hope it stays that way forever.

I can tell that preschool definitely helped you come out of your shell.  You are more confident around people and have started putting your hands over your eyes when someone talks to you less and less.

Right now it’s summer, so all you want to do is be outside, which is awesome, however being 9 months pregnant makes it a little hard for me to play with you like I use to. You are loving the swing set, occasionally the sandbox, but most of all you are really enjoying swimming!! I have loved watching you swim this summer, you get your puddle jumper on and you are all set to swim alone. Of course we are always right there in the pool with you but just to see you confidently swim alone has been so rewarding! We are so so proud of you! Your favorite toys that are you into right now are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you are pretty obsessed! You love the shows Paw Patrol and Team Umizumi

Here are some quirky things about you I don’t want to forget

  • You still cry when I wash your hair in the tub
  • You still cry when I brush your hair
  • You MUST have a toy come to bed with you every night
  • You MUST have a toy come in the car with you
  • You have to be the winner when we go up or down the stairs (even though I tell you not to do this because it is dangerous!)
  • You always have your blanket with you around the house even though we are trying to stop this
  • We let you sleep in our room on Fridays, so you want everyday to be Friday

My little boy, you are growing so much and oh so fast.  There are times I wish I could freeze time but then I just remind myself how lucky I am to watch you grow.  I am beyond blessed to be your Mama and even though you are getting bigger, you will always be my little boy! I love you more than you will ever know.

I love you to infinity and beyond my little boy

Monday, July 14, 2014

Baby # 3 - 36 Week Bumpdate

Due Date: 8/8/2014 --- Scheduled Repeat C-section set for 8/1!!

How far along: 36 weeks, holy cow, I can't even believe it!
How big is baby: Approx. the size of a watermelon
Weight gain: I think it's still around 36lbs, all I know is that I actually lost a pound when they weighed me last week!
Sleep:  Still on my crazy routine of starting to go to bed in our recliner then head upstairs around 12/1am where I proceed to sleep sitting up and then when I know I have an hour left before I have to get up I actually let myself lay down on my side, usually that hour is the best sleep I will get each night.
Best moment of the week:  Seeing our adorable baby girl on an ultrasound, she is so so cute!! She is in the 47th % and weighs about 6.6lbs (but of course that could be off) 

Mvement: Yep! Some days it is crazy, like I think she is going to just come right through my stomach, and others it's very mild. 
Food cravings:  I've really been wanting popcorn and sweets

Food aversions: Nope!
Maternity Clothes:  Yep!
Wedding rings: Off
Symptoms:  Heartburn, braxton hicks, round ligament pain <---- Same
Stretch Marks: I noticed the other day that I have 2 areas where small stretch marks are starting, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them because I have never had them before.  I'm praying they don't get worse.
Belly button:  The same, just looks very odd that it's so big!
Gender: A sweet adorable girl!
What I’m looking forward to:   Hopefully this week getting some stuff for the baby ready, I am so unprepared this time around, probably because I know it will all just fall into place, but still, girlfriend will need some clean clothes once she is here! 
What I miss:  Bending over, squatting down to do something and not feeling like I ran a marathon as soon as I stand up! It's crazy how uncomfortable my body feels some days!
Next appt: 7/16/14

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Little Getaway

A few weeks ago we took the kids to Lake Geneva for a few days.  We booked this well in advance and I just kept praying that this baby would stay in so we could go.  Well she did, and we went, and it was such a great little getaway!

This is the first time we went away for a few days with the kids (just the 4 of us) and it was really so nice.  They had SO much fun which made the trip even that more great.

We stayed at a family resort right in town that has the best pool for kids, the only downside is that the weather was not the greatest so we only got to use the awesome outside pool a couple of times for a short amount of time.

The resort also had a super yummy restaurant that had the BEST virgin spicy bloody marys, I'm sure they are even better with alcohol.

Day 1 - after we had lunch at the super yummy restaurant we headed out to the pool while the weather was still decent.  We only got about an hour outside until it started storming so we headed to the indoor pool.

Later that night we walked to the little town and browsed some stores and ate outside.  The place we ate at wasn't the greatest but it was OK, we were just having so much fun being together with NO AGENDA. I usually always have an agenda or something planned and this was the first time I didn't and it was awesome.

After dinner we headed for ice cream, of course!! (you will start to see a trend with us getting ice cream)

At night we headed back to the hotel and went down to the little arcade room they had.  Brayden had so much fun and Ella was beyond tired but stuck it out like a champ.

Her face says "really Mom, I should be in bed!!"

The next day was really crappy out when we woke up.  We headed into town for breakfast which was delish then did a little more store browsing.  I somehow managed not to buy anything for myself or our house on this trip, that's pretty much amazing.

We did stop at a little souvenir store and I just had to get some fudge and taffy, and little man picked out a new blue marble - he's really into marbles these days.

Since the weather stunk, we headed back to the indoor pool where the kids had so much fun swimming.  It was this trip that really got Brayden to explore the water by himself (wearing his puddle jumper of course) and we really couldn't have been more proud of him! He has always been reserved around pools and here he just let go of his fears and swam for hours and hours without anyone holding him.

Couldn't resist a picture of Ella Bella in a towel, is there anything cuter?!?

After a couple hours of swimming, we headed back to our room and the kids and I took a super long nap while the hubs headed to the restaurant bar to watch some World Cup action.  I didn't plan to take a nap, it just sort of happened and it was heavenly.  I don't think I've taken a nap in 2 years, maybe even longer!

Once the hubs came back to the room he suggested we go mini golfing

We only got clubs and balls for the kids to play since we knew us playing too would just not happen.  Turns out Brayden handled his game very well and needed no help!

Ella Bella on the other hand had some serious lack of concentration issues :) She would try and hit the ball one second and the next be running away from us almost landing in the waterfall area - she definitely kept us on our toes!

Later we went to dinner at a really yummy restaurant then headed to get more ice cream :)

Right when we came outside to eat our ice cream it started pouring, I'm talking down pouring! We stayed under the restaurant canopy outside and finished and then decided to walk run back to the hotel - For some reason watching the hubs push the double stroller while running put me into a full on laughing attack, I was behind them trying to keep up, but clearly couldn't.  We were soaked by the time we got back to the hotel, but it for some reason it was so funny to me! 

The day we were leaving was of course the nicest day we had.  We started out by going out to breakfast then went back to the room to pack everything up.  We decided to stay past check out and take advantage of the fun outdoor pool :)

Now that's a BIG belly :)

We didn't get any pictures but I do have a video of Ella literally going down the little slide into the water about a gagillion times, the girl is so funny, when she finds something she likes, she will not stop!

After a couple hours outside it was time to head home.  Brayden kept saying how much fun he had on vacation and would bring up everything we did while there.  Although there are times when I hate how fast time is going and how big he is getting, it is pretty cool to watch him experience these fun moments and actually know what's going on and be able to express how much fun he had.

Can't wait for our next little getaway! That time we will be a family of 5!!!