Friday, December 29, 2017

Ella & Avery's School Holiday Performances 2017

Well hello there blog-land! Unintentionally I took a really long break from my little space, I guess that's what happens when the hubby is home from work and you are just enjoying time with your family. We have been having the best Winter Break so far with Christmas being very fun and magical! I will have to recap Christmas next week but for now I need to share about my girls' holiday performances! They were sooooo cute!

Avery's was first, on Tuesday and Ella's was the next day. They sing the same songs since they are in the same preschool (different days and ages though) and they combine the 3's & 4's to sing together.

Avery actually was a little nervous when she first came out with her class and tried to cling to me but she quickly got in her spot. I was totally not expecting that from her! She was so cute singing her songs and after each one she would come to where I was sitting thinking it was over, only for her teachers to bring her back to sing the next song :)


Avery with her teachers :)

Papa came!

When it was Ella's turn, she came out and was acting a little bashful but she went on to sing her little heart out and it was the sweetest thing ever




I love watching these little performances, my heart fills with so much joy!!!

Have a great weekend & have a safe & happy New Years!!!

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday Favorites - The One Before Christmas Edition

Ahhh it's here! Christmas weekend!! I have mixed feelings. Of course I'm SO excited to celebrate but jeez did the month fly by!! I always say this, I just need more time!! (and I'm sure everyone else in the world could use some too)

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Here's a look at some favorites this week -

{ONE} - Elf on the Shelf

Our neighbors down the street have a life-sized elf on the shelf  and it is hilarious the things they have him do!! It's the best part of day when we drive past and see what he's up to! We've seen him roasting marshmallows, sitting a table with a bottle of makers mark and then this one....

I was DYING! I had to turn around to get a pic, it was just too good!

Speaking of elves - the kids love writing notes to ours. The other day Ella asked out loud if we thought Twinkles had a girlfriend. I said I wasn't sure, so take it upon Brayden to write him and ask him. I just love this age!!!

{TWO} - Handmade present

Brayden came home with a gift for us but he really wanted me to open it and not wait for Christmas. I l LOVE when the bring home handmade gifts!! There's something from Ella too but that's under the tree. I cannot wait to open it!

{THREE} - Avery being Avery

Avery is so that kid that just wants to have fun, all day every day. She keeps me on my toes constantly and more times than not, you will find me shaking my head at the things she does. But she also keeps me laughing!

So anyway - all the kids have chocolate advents. Their morning routine is coming downstairs, getting their chocolate and then finding Twinkles. Well I usually just let Brayden or Ella help Avery find the number but I should have paid more attention - girlfriend ate the entire month on week 2 LOL

And this is just a funny pic I had to share - we were at the store and Avery is constantly grabbing something if she's not contained in a cart. I looked over at her and she was sporting these glasses and just looked so cute and goofy!

{FOUR} -  Lifetime Christmas Movie

I have been on a roll this year with the Hallmark/Lifetime Christmas movies! I think it's because the kids are bigger I can actually take some time to watch, either way, it's been awesome. I just watched Snowed Inn Christmas and it was SO GOOD! Like I'm going to watch it again this weekend good. I saw it will be on again on Christmas Eve so make sure to record if you're into these cheesy movies!

Image result for snowed inn christmas lifetime

{FIVE} - Amazon Funny

I posted this in my FB group the other day after seeing Johanna post it - it is hilarious and so true for our household this season!

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Well I probably won't be back at this space until next Wednesday. I want to wish every one of you a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday!

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas Home Tour {2017}

Today I'm finally getting around to sharing some pics of our home during Christmas. I LOVE decorating and totally got that Griswald feel from my Mama.  Give me all the colored lights and cheesy decorations!

Come on in!

First thing you see when you walk in is my gallery wall and our shoe cabinet below - I always toss some decor on top

This is our hall closet to the left as you walk in, I love displaying our holiday cards here! And that wreath my aunt gave me several years ago, I still love it!

On the opposite side, you'll be in our front room, aka the play room

This is the kids' playroom tree. It's mostly filled with fun, handmade ornaments


If you go straight when you walk in, or you enter through the playroom, you'll be in our kitchen/dining area. I love how the red bows pop on our white cabinets

My Mom bought me those cute snowmen mugs from the Christkindlmarket in the city a couple years ago. The other mugs my MIL gave to me

My favorite little peoples' feet on a plate!

Just a couple things I added to our corner shelf in the eating area

This sign is a new addition this year :)

My mantel always makes me happy! I love filling it with the kids' art and my glitter trees that I made several years ago (I can't believe how well they've held up!)

Our stockings are my favorite ever - my Mom handmade them and they are so special to me

Our tree in the daytime using my iphone, doesn't really do it justice LOL

My bookshelf filled with holiday knick knacks

My new tree farm sign! Love it!

The kids love playing with our nativity set and I love that they can't break it

We keep a basket of holiday books on the fireplace too

And to finish it off, a look at our house from the outside :)

Happy Wednesday!!

Linking up with Going the Distance