Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Favorites {6.8.18}

Happy Friday!! I really hope these weeks aren't any indication of how fast summer is going to fly by because jeez! Slow it down! Anyway, we've been having a super fun week mixed with lots of sibling fighting but overall we're loving that summer is here! Our mornings have become so much slower and I'm really embracing it!

Here's some favorites for the week:

{ONE} - The Bachelorette

Who's watching? I am loving it so far!!

Image result for bachelorette

{TWO} - Seasoning

I am obsessed with this Trader Joe's seasoning!! It's under $2 too which is awesome! I always use it now on my homemade bagels
Image result for trader joe's nothing but the bagel

{THREE} - New jean shorts

I just realized the other week that I have no white jean shorts - I hopped onto old navy and found this super cute pair for only $12!!! They came this week and I actually had to exchange for a bigger size but they are super cute and I love that they price matched to what I paid because they are much more now!

product photo

{FOUR} - Kid Craft

My kids love crafting and I found this one that looks super fun! Hopefully we'll get to the store to gather supplies this weekend and do this next week

Make a simple kaleidoscope for kids summer STEM activity

{FIVE} - New Doormat

Thanks to Andrea for sharing her new doormat, I  just had to order one!! I get it today and I can't wait!

Home Sweet Home Doormat (18"x30") - Thresholdâ„¢ - image 1 of 1

That's a wrap for this week! We have a weekend filled with baseball games but there's also lots of rain in our forecast so let's hope that stays away!

Linking up with:


  1. Ooooh Love Blogger blame Purchases. You will LOVE that mat! I adore those white jean shorts, you will wear those with so much. I love the TJ seasoning too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I've been trying to keep up with the Bachelorette!! Can't wait to see who proposes! Just bought my first bottle of the Trader Joe seasoning and am looking forward to using it!! Have a great weekend! - Shannon

  3. I love everything bagel seasoning. I returned some shoes that were too big to Old Navy, that I got online, and they price matched my exchange too, which was very nice!

  4. Cute doormat and what a fun activity idea.
