We only do 1 Thanksgiving, my families. We use to do both but once we had Brayden, we decided that was too much for us, plus the places we went were about an hour apart from eachother. So we do Thanksgiving with my side and Easter with the hubby's side.
My family does an actual Thanksgiving dinner, so we eat around 5:30ish. We headed over to my aunt and uncles this year around 3:30 because I knew we couldn't stay too late with the kiddos.
It's nice because there aren't a lot of people that come, not saying I wouldn't mind that, but I like more intimate settings. I like that I can actually talk to everyone that is there and have conversations that last longer than a minute. That's just me though.
I absolutely the love the dress I got for little miss to wear, it was on the clearance rack at Sears for $7!!! I just think it is so gorgeous! And my little man looked so handsome of course :) (Side note, why can't Brayden always smile like this!??!)
We are truly blessed and I realize this everyday, not only on Thanksgiving, but it's nice to have a day to just reflect.
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