Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday Favorites {9.2.16}

Yay for Friday friends! This week has been a doozy and I think that's just because I'm not getting enough sleep. I find myself soooo tired during the day because I went to bed late the night before then when it comes time to go to sleep I'm not tired at all, so the vicious cycle continues. Not a big problem obviously but it's annoying nonetheless!

Anyway, let's get to my favorites for the week!


It's our favorite dog's birthday today! Maxwell is 8 today and the kids can't wait to celebrate later. We are going to get him a doggy cake and throw him a little party later.



Ella got a smaller version of this sidewalk chalk paint for her birthday and we loved it so much that this is in my Amazon cart now



If you're a parent then you need to read this.  I share some funny ways I know I'm a parent, including using these obnoxious carts vs the traditional ones


Some other bloggers have mentioned they've bought a utility vest for Fall and now I find myself wanting one! This one is so cute and also on sale which is always a plus! 


I also like the look of this one! (also on sale!)



I saw this tv stand on Pinterest then searched the internet to find it.  I want it bad. Really, I want this entire room.

   alicia | our vintage nest  on Instagram: “Enjoying this summer evening watching our favorite family show, American Ninja Warrior! I love hearing our kids cheer on the competitors... It's so cute to hear them call them by name.  This is #widn... Thanks to the sweetest twins, Julie @juliesheartandhome and Jodie @jodiesdesignlife for asking!  Wishing you all a good night!  #ovnhome #liketkit #ltkhome”:

That's it for today.  I'm so excited for our weekend that is packed with tons of fun stuff, best of all, my sweet Ella's birthday on Monday!  

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  1. Love that tv stand! If only we could have one so nice :) And also that sign. Love.

  2. Happy Friday! Have the best time celebrating Maxwell, he's adorable! Wow, that is a serious cart. They definitely don't have ones like that around me but my kids would sure love it if they did. Beautifully Candid

  3. I love the green vests. I want one too. Yay for Maxwell's birthday! He is so cute. Can't wait to hear about his celebration. Have a great weekend!

  4. The kiddy karts are a pain in my a!!. I can't seem to hide from them well enough and C always spots one. I've lied about every which way so we don't have to use them BUT no.. he doesn't buy it and begs for one. I give in and well that just goes to show who is boss.

  5. SO cute. I put a utility vest in my friday five too then I went to Sams Club later that day and found one that I absolutely adore for 19.99! SO happy. Hope you had fun celebrating the puppies birthday!

  6. How the heck did I miss this post on Friday?! SO weird, because it just showed up in my Blogger reader this morning like it was new. Stupid Blogger. Anyhoo, that cart is about the best thing I've ever seen! I always hate the car carts at our grocery store, because the little car part for the kids takes up the whole thing and then there's no place to put the groceries! I need one of those!
