Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Favorites {9.16.16}

Hello Friday!

I'm kicking off this weekend with a garage sale in hopes to get rid of so much stuff we have accumulated! We are finishing our basement next month so I want all the extras gone! Whatever doesn't sell is going straight to Goodwill - I already feel lighter.

The hubby and I are also celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary this weekend with a super fun date night and I am beyond excited!

Oh and I'm also over at Sparkles and Lattes guest posting on potty training today - go check it out!

{ONE} - New Ring

I am loving my new x ring so much! My same one is out of stock but this one is similar

{TWO} - New Dress

Thanks to my girl Lindsay, I snagged this dress the other day. Originally I loved the red, but then I saw Lindsay in the green and thought that one was better for me - when I tried them on I was at a stand still, so I snapped some pics and sent them to my sister who didn't get back to me in time so I made the decision on my own to get the green.  Immediately after buying it I wanted the red! I think I just need both in my life.


{THREE} - Halloween Books

In case you missed it, I highlighted some of the best Halloween books out there for kiddos (I'm sure there are more and I would love suggestions!) We have most of these and they are all hits in our house

{FOUR} - Scarves

It's almost Fall which means I want all the scarves

I would love this one

I have this one in taupe but could totally use it in several other colors!

Product Image, click to zoom

{FIVE} - Favorite Video of the Week

Have you guys seen this? I was DYING! #it'sfunnybecauseit'strue

Happy Weekend!

Linking up with:


  1. The Little Blue Truck now has a Halloween book! I just ordered it on Jet and I can't wait to read it to our kiddos. If you like the Little Blue Truck books I have heard great things about it!

  2. Happy Friday and happy early anniversary! We are planning a yard sale next weekend to get rid of things and I'm right there with you, whatever doesn't sell, donate! I love scarfs for the fall they're pretty much a necessity. Beautifully Candid

  3. Bahahaha that video!!!! So true. Everything. Love love love that ring! And dress. And those scarves! Happy Friday, friend!

  4. I'm so jealous that you got that ring!!!! I saw it when Shay posted it and I went over to grab one and it was out of stock. WAAAAHHHH.

    And girl, I love both of those dresses on you! I ended up getting both! I normally wouldn't have done that, but when I got them last week they were 25% off with my Cartwheel app, so I thought why not?

    Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  5. I saw that dress on Lindsay's blog, and I think I need to just go get both! So cute! Love the ring too! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  6. The scarves, the dresses, the ring, the books and that video! Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes aaaaand YES!!! Love it all. Okay, I think you and Lindsay have convinced me on the dress! I must go shopping! Also, happy anniversary to you guys! Have a great weekend girl!!!! P.S. Sorry I've been missing...I've barely had time to breathe!

  7. That dress is so stinking cute. Seeing Lindsay in it kinda made me want it too. Picking red or green seems impossible though. Definitely both ;).

  8. I really, really like that ring. I went to the Kohls website and, unfortunately, they only carry it in a size 7.
