Thursday, August 18, 2016

Confessions {8.18.16}

I'm not sure how it's already Thursday, I need like 10 more days to prepare for the girls combo party instead of 3....

On to today's confessions

I confess....

Avery's naps have been so terrible all week, normally I wouldn't mind (who am I kidding, yes I would) but I am trying to use nap time to bust out some DIY projects for the girls combo party

A party that I'm so not prepared for, I might add. It's nothing too over the top, it just came quick and we've been so busy with other stuff I haven't had much time to focus

My husband is going away for the weekend for a bachelor party and I'm secretly excited to stay up and watch some cheesy Hallmark movies all by myself

My son is starting 1st grade next week and I can't believe it - 1st grade!? My sister in laws assured me this still sounds little but to me it seems too big... I guess I'll feel like this every year here on out

Being a Mom lately has been burning me out. I feel like some days all I do is clean, cater to the kids, clean some more, do more catering, then clean again.  I am feeling exhausted lately.

But no time for rest! Busy next few days and squeezing as much fun time as I can with my boy before he starts school Monday!


  1. I was the same with Mila's party this summer - I had no time for DIY stuff and I was so not ready for it. It will work out though and I'm sure your girls' party will be great! I'm sorry you've been feeling burnt out lately. Hang in there - you're doing great, mama!

  2. I can't wait to see the party!! It's going to be great, I'm sure. You always do such a fantastic job of getting it all together!

  3. I love watching Hallmark movies too. I love when my husband is gone so I can watch all the girly shows and movies I want! It sounds like you need some time to yourself. I hope you can get that soon. I can't believe you will have a 1st grader next week!!!

  4. Yay for Hallmark movies! Enjoy your "me" time!

  5. I wish your boy all the best during the school year. I have two boys that are seniors this year. Like you, I can't fathom how they grow up so fast. Motherhood is exhausting. It's okay to admit it. Take some time for yourself and don't sweat the small stuff.

    1. Thank you so much!! It's nice to hear others say it too, it is exhausting at times!
