Monday, May 2, 2016

weekly recap {5.2.16}

Happy Monday! I still can't believe we're in May, but I better get use to it because our May is jam packed :)

Here's a recap of our week

Monday I was suppose to have a physical at 8:45am so my Mom was coming over to watch the girls, buuut my phone rang at 7am and it was a nurse telling me my dr called in sick and they had to cancel my appt.  I told my mom there was no need for her to come but Ella was hysterical over it so she still came over for about a half an hour to do some bubbles outside because it was gorgeous!

Once my mom left, me and the girls headed to our local nature center/farm.  I printed a scavenger hunt sheet before we left and Ella was in charge.  She was so so on this (nothing like her brother who LOVES a scavenger hunt) She would be really into it one minute and so over it the next, and it continued like this all morning.

We stopped and ate lunch outside and I kept telling Ella not to feed the chickens that were walking around, and every time I turned around to Avery, she would feed them.  Little stinker! 

Avery loved walking around the farm. She kept yelling "MILK!" at this chicken

Later in the day we hung around outside before heading to Brayden's baseball game.

The entire day was gorgeous but as we were driving the game, we saw the sky change and knew it was suppose to rain later on. We unloaded everything and the boys started to warm up and it started to rain. We sat in our cars for 15 min to wait it out and then we were good to go. They played for about 30 minutes before the lightning sirens went off and the game was called.  In the little time they played, they played so well!

Wednesday I volunteered for Fun Foods at Brayden's school and got to pop in his class to say Hi when I was done. I seriously love seeing my boy at school!

Thursday the girls and I headed to Costco then to the library where we missed story time because I had the wrong time, whoops! We still had fun and made the most of it.

Ella worked on tracing her letters and numbers while Avery napped.  She is getting so good!!

Friday we went to the carousel room because it was another yucky day (we had rain all week except Monday morning)

Friday night the hubs and I went to dinner with another couple. It was nice to get out but we always laugh because we're home by 9 - which is the time most people are just going out.  I wouldn't have it any other way though!

Saturday morning the girls helped Dad make waffles!

Then I took this cutie to swim lessons :)

When we got home it was raining again but the kids wanted to hang out in the garage for a little and do bubbles...that only lasted like 10 minutes

Then it was time to Ella ready for her dance recital rehearsal.  She immediately started crying when I said it was time to put her costume on.  She was seriously hysterical! I did not expect that at all. Finally I got it on her and did her hair and she was OK.  Then when we got there she started crying all over again.  I am sure her professional picture turned out great, LOL. (They didn't want parents in the room when they took them)

Buut when it was time to come out on stage and rehearse she did it! And without tears!!

I thought for sure she got everything out of her system so the next day at the recital she would be fine...but I was wrong.  She thankfully gave me no problems putting her costume on and doing her hair, but again, once we got there and she had to wait in one of the studio rooms she got nervous and started crying. I knew it would be OK once I left so I didn't stay too long and told her I would see her out there.

The first group of little girls went and it was pretty dark on stage, so they walked out and took their place but one girl was screaming that she wouldn't go (I'm thinking because it was sooo dark and it wasn't like that at rehearsal) That little girl never came out even when the lights came on.  Me and the hubs immediately got super nervous that Ella would do the same...but to our surprise she came out in the dark and performed her little butt off!! She did soooooooooooo great and I was so proud!  I will probably dedicate a whole post to it but here's a couple pics.

getting ready

We went for ice cream afterwards then came home for dinner and to relax.  What a great way to end our weekend!

I'm off today to go be the mystery reader in Brayden's class then taking Ella to her first dentist appt (wish me luck with that!!)

*linking up with B Loved Boston for weekending


  1. Awww Ella looked so pretty for her recital!! Funny how activities like blowing bubbles you hope will last a long time, but they never do! Hope you have a great start to your week!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. How cute is she in your costume! So many fun places to take your kiddos even in crummy weather! It has rained lots here too and we are over it! We duck outside whenever we can!!

  3. I did dance lessons as a kid and have so many good memories of costumes and recitals! That is one thing that I'm sad about not having a little girl... my two boys would not be interested... and I so want to take a little girl to dance class!

  4. Oh my word, just when I thought Ella couldn't get any cuter!! Seriously, she looks like a little angel in her costume!! Such a sweet little tiny dancer! This makes me want to get Olivia into dance lessons immediately. She would die if she could dress up like that!

  5. Look at that sweet little dancer! And a carousel room? Awesome.

  6. Soooo much to say about your past week! Gosh you're sooo good at finding activities on rainy days. It looks like everyone had a blast!

    Henry is sooooo the same way, even at the ripe old age of five, at being into something and then not within moments. LOL! Whatevs!

    I love that Avery was yelling, "Milk" at the chickens. My gosh, so funny! And how fun that you were able to see Brayden at school. I love spying through the window at Henry's school to see how he is before he sees me. Gosh, our kids are adorable! ;)

    Lastly, little Miss. Ella - You must have loved watching her! So, so, so cute!!!!

  7. Such a fun mom! Seriously!!! And seriously Ella's costume makes me want Maddie to dance at least early on because it's adorable!
