Monday, June 17, 2013

Who Am I???

I'm linking up over at From Mrs to Mama today to show who I am...... this is my very first link up! Enjoy!

I am wife to an incredible guy.  We met when I was 14 and dated in high school then had a break, then re-connected.  I am so thankful that he randomly came back into my life. He is an amazing Daddy, Our children are so lucky to have him. I cherish my marriage and hope and pray that no matter what, we will make it through anything.  

I love being a Mother more than anything in the world.  I didn’t grow up daydreaming about getting married or having kids, yet I have done both, and kind of at a young age. My kids have changed my life 100%.  They have made me a better person and really have shown me what life is all about.  I absolutely love seeing life through their eyes.  I sometimes just catch them doing something so simple, putting a puzzle together, playing with a play phone, and the tears just start streaming down.  It’s in those moments I am watching life that I (with the hubby) created and it is a feeling that I can’t even put into words, simply amazing

I am obsessed with taking pictures of my kids.  I’m sure it’s annoying to some, but I will never regret having tons of pictures of what makes me the happiest.

I am getting pretty tired of social media…except blogging.  Is that social media? I’ve never been a tweeter or an instagramer, but Facebook is becoming more of a nuisance lately. I’m OK with blogging and Pinterest J

I hate that I have to work full time and be away from my kids – it literally breaks my heart on a daily basis.  One day soon, I hope to be home with them.

I love going to the movies, I think it’s mostly for the popcorn and the cherry coke (only time I drink pop!), but none the less, still love it.  

I love to hang out at home.  Since getting married, having kids, buying a house, I have really become a homebody.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m too tired to do anything else but a perfect day would be relaxing at home, playing in the backyard, BBQ’ing.

I have  little no patience.  This is something I struggle with on a daily basis.  I can say however, that since having kids, it has gotten better, but I can also say without a doubt that I still have tons of room for improvement…this will forever be a work in progress.

Head on over to check out the other bloggers at From Mrs to Mama

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