Happy Monday! Another week has come and gone and I'm here to recap it :)
Monday was crappy weather (again) so we did our weekly grocery shopping then came back to play. The girls LOVE going into Brayden's room while he's in school and playing with all his toys. He can be very territorial about his things and they know this, so they know this is their time to go crazy playing, LOL
Tuesday was another relaxing day at home then Miss Ella had dance class. She is so cute I could eat her :)
Wednesday morning started off with some cleaning and finally putting away the laundry I did the Friday before (the struggle is real people)
While putting away clothes, the girls did Party Time on my bed. Party Time is something the bigs came up while jumping one day so now everyday Ella asks to do it. Avery full enjoys it as well.
We got our rainboots on and headed to the carousel room to meet a Mommy friend and her 2 daughters.
Thursday morning shenanigans with this gal. If she sees that crown she HAS to put it on, by herself of course :)
I was heading to Target and the library with my Mom and the kiddos but first I had to stop at Brayden's school to drop off his library book he forgot. I was so happy to see him mid day!
A little library play time :)
A Target shipment came in the mail and had tons of bubble wrap so the girls and I had so much fun popping it!
These two were playing so nice and then they said "Mom, take our picture!" #imtrainingthemwell
Friday morning started off with snow. The flakes were so big and fluffy and I admit, it did look really pretty, but come on Mother Nature, it is April, you can stop snowing now :)
Friday night we had my little mans school Fun Fair!! I vividly remember going to the Fun Fair when I was little and how much fun it was. He had a great time for sure!
Ella became obsessed with this throw the ball in the little potty game, she literally would play then immediately get back in line to play it again, it was hilarious
(gotta love IG filters!) |
Brayden and his buddy in the photo booth...little sister of course couldn't be left behind!
This is how I woke up on Saturday morning. He came in at sometime in the middle of the night and
kicked cuddled me all night long :)
Saturday morning, the hubs and I split off. He took Brayden to baseball and I took the girls to Ella's swim lesson. She was in a mood this day and wasn't very cooperative but at least she got in and did some stuff
Sunday was spent all day at my in laws and the cousins had so much fun playing together
There's that Hot Wheels Garage again! Our kids are still loving it, too! And more snow? Ugh, I know y'all are probably going stir crazy! Sending sunny vibes your way!
ReplyDeleteWe had snow here too this weekend and I am also officially over it! Come on spring! Love the crown on her face, too funny!