In the meantime, I think it's about time I jump on this whole monthly goals bandwagon :) It seems like a good way to keep myself accountable, right? maybe? We'll see.
So for May, here's what I got:
1. Start & Finish reading Going off Script - I just bought this book and have high hopes in finishing it this month. One would think a month is PLENTY of time to finish a book, but for me, it might not even be enough. See, the only time I have to read is around bedtime and once my body hits the sheets, it's usually off to la la land within minutes. So reading usually goes like this, read a couple of pages, fall asleep mid sentence somewhere, start the next night reading the same pages as the night before because I can't remember if I read them. But May, this will be the month I finish a book :)
2. Build another veggie garden + plant vegetables - This is a 2 part goal and one which involves the help of my hubby. He built me a raised garden bed last Mother's Day and yesterday he built my second one. I'm kind of turning this into a tradition until I run out of room for beds :) Me and the kids will then be planting our fruits/vegetables for the summer. I look forward to doing this with them again this year.
3. Plant flowers - this kind of goes with above but I'm separating it because I don't think it will get done on the same day.
4. Create a summer bucket list of fun things to do with the kids -This is my first official summer as a Stay at Home Mom and I plan on making the absolute most of it! Especially because after this summer my baby boy is off to Kindergarten. Yes, Kindergarten! I think I need to go cry now.
For my first shot at this, I'm going to keep it simple and short. 4 things to try and accomplish all while taking care of 3 littles, yeah, I got this, I hope
Do you do monthly goals?
What are some of yours?
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