Tuesday, April 7, 2015

weekend {re}cap

What a fun filled weekend we had! I love when we get lots of quality family time.

Friday morning we took the kids to Yu Kids Island for their egg hunt and to just run around and play. We've only been here once before, about a year ago and Brayden was so disinterested in the place. but not this time! That boy had so much fun running around and playing! Of course Ella did too :)

Their egg hunt was set up poorly in my opinion.  As soon as we entered we were able to start the hunt, while there were still 30+ people in line to get in the place.  We were probably 5th in line so we were one of the first ones in.

The kids that got in first collected all of the eggs and when I asked if we should give them back, so you know, they could re-fill and put back out for the other people who haven't even stepped foot in yet, the girl working said, No, you keep them.

Brayden had way too many eggs so we ended up giving some out to anyone who wanted them.  The place got so crazy with kids within 20 minutes I don't even know how they would have continued the hunt anyway.  Just seemed like a bad set up but I'm not sure how it could have been better either.

My kid with waaaay too many eggs

We paid $10 to get a picture with the bunny too - which I was happy was there because to date we had no bunny picture yet, and even though the bunny is always creepy, I didn't want a year to go by without a picture (crazy, I know)

My poor Ella, she is going to look back at this and think we were the meanest parents :)

Saturday night was date night with my hubby! It's been SO long since we have gone out just the two of us.  We tried a new restaurant and were a little disappointed.  I don't know why we don't just stick with what we know we love, but even so, it was a really fun night and just good to reconnect a little.

I had a few drinks and realized when I got home, I still needed to finish making Avery's Easter basket, thank goodness I stayed up long enough to finish it!

Brayden came running downstairs Easter morning to see what was in his basket.

 Brayden loved showing Avery what was in her basket

I tried to get a decent pic of the older kiddos before we left for my in laws...this was the best I got. Brayden's smile cracks me up and Ella's lack of smile cracks me up too

We had so much delicious food at my in laws house and then it was time for the egg hunt!

Ella is way more interested in scoping out the eggs than taking a picture

This year Brayden understood to get all the eggs you can, then look at them when you're done.  Last year, he barely got any eggs because he would pick one up, stop and open it.

My adorable niece who is getting too big!

All the grandkids :)

This one, she loves to grab a snack then sit under the dining room table :)

The older kids love sitting at the bar and getting served "drinks" which is usually V8 Fusion :)

When we got home, I went outside with Little Miss for some kisses and bubbles

She would run after every bubble yelling "I got you! I got you!" I don't think it's possible for her to be any cuter!!

The hubs promised to take the kids to the park when we got home but this guy was so tired.  So he took Ella and I called him when Brayden woke up and they came back for him.

It was such a fun weekend and a really nice Easter.  Holidays are always a good time to reflect on the blessings I have and I am definitely blessed.

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