Today you are SEVEN! I have been thinking about this day alot lately and how in the world is it possible that we are here?! 7 years ago I brought you into this world and I can still remember that being the very best day.
I am going to get mushy because that's what you did to me - I've been a total mush since the day you were born and I often find myself just looking at you and starting to cry, thinking just how darn fast the time is going with you and how I wish I could freeze time.
You are growing into such a little man. The baby and toddler is completely gone and you are now a "kid" - As much as I LOVED the time with you in those stages, it's pretty cool to see you grow up too. You are so kind and loving and that shows so much in your personality. I know we have this special bond and nothing will ever take that away.
You are still so smart! I'm amazed at how you take to learning. You are a reading a math machine and I hope that only continues!
You love to do Legos, crafts, play baseball, play zombie Mommy (that's where I'm the zombie and I chase after you and Ella) and pick on your little sisters :) You prefer to be inside unless we are doing something fun outside, then you would stay out all day.
You are so responsible and that makes me so happy because your little sisters haven't caught on to that yet. You've always been so good about picking up after yourself and throwing things away when needed. You know after every meal to clear your dishes, you clean your room (sometimes without me asking!) and look after your sisters if I need you to (for like 10 minutes)
You have lost 5 teeth and it's still crazy to me that we're at this point with you. Your front ones are coming and they make you look SO much older, which does not help your Mommy's heart.
Even though you and your sisters fight like crazy (seriously some days I don't how we make it through) you love them so much and they love you just as much. They always want your attention which is half the reason they are always picking on you. I love when I see the moments where you will just pick up a book and read to them, or start playing a game with them. Those moments melt my heart!
You love Max SO much that it makes me worry a little for the day when he isn't around. The moment you wake up you go find him and give him kisses and tell him how cute he is. I think about 10 times a day you tell me "Look Mom, Max is just sooooooooooo cute!!" You two are definite buds.
My baby, my first born, I am so proud of the boy you are and even though the passing of every year makes me a little sad, I am so very excited to see what you do in your life and to be right by your side along the way.
I love you so much Brayden, Happy Birthday!! I hope 7 is a great year!
What a beautiful tribute to your precious guy! Happy seventh birthday to him and I hope he has a ball! You are the best mom and he is lucky to have you! I can totally relate to this!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday sweet boy. The photos of the two of you are just so sweet together too! I never realized how close in age Emily and Brayden are. He only has a few months on her. Have fun celebrating today!
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful mama! It brought tears to my eyes just thinking about saying one day (probably all too soon, that A will be 7). I can't speak for girls because I have no experience with that, but it just seems like there is nothing like a mother and son's special relationship. I hope he has the best birthday and you have the best day loving on him <3 Beautifully Candid
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Simon will be 7 in a month too. :)
ReplyDeleteOh my word - seven! Happy happy birthday to your sweet boy! I hope you have the very best day celebrating him today!
ReplyDeleteLove these photos and your words got me choked up - so sweet! It is such a blessing to watch them grow up but hard too! xoxo ERIN
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Brayden!
ReplyDeleteHe looks so much like you. I've never really noticed till you two were side by side.
Awe so very sweet. Happy Birthday Brayden!
ReplyDeleteAmen to be being a mush! Mason did that to me 7 years ago as well. Brayden seems like such a sweet little boy! I think he and Mason would get along so well. Mason used to be obsessed with Zombies and want to play it all the time. I hope he had the happiest of birthdays! Those pictures of you two melt me. So sweet.