Tuesday, January 20, 2015

fun in the snow

We got a good amount of snow last week but we knew it wouldn't last long since the temps were suppose to rise to the 40's, so we knew we had to take advantage while we still could!

Friday I took the kids outside to play while Avery napped.  We built a snowman and no more than 2 minutes after we finished him, Brayden decided to punch him to the ground... ahhh boys.

these two are just too cute for words

Here's the wind up...

direct contact! A perfect hit I must say, even though it made Ella and me sad for the snowman :(

He thinks he is SO funny! :)

Saturday morning, my cousin came over to babysit Avery for a little while we took Brayden & Ella sledding. This was the last day we would have snow as it was already melting.  When we got to the hill we were surprised that alot of snow was already gone but we still managed to have so much fun. 

When we first got there, both kids started crying and said they were scared, but after one trip down the hill, that all changed.  They kept wanting to do it again and again.

Time to go...these two, I hope they are friends for life

Now all of the snow is mostly gone. I hope we get more soon! I love playing in the snow with my kiddos :)

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