My dearest Brayden,
You are now 4 1/2 and it feels like just yesterday we celebrated your 4th birthday. Although, I won't lie, it's a little blurry for me since I was 2 weeks away from having your sister :)
I am so amazed with the little boy you are becoming. You continue to surprise me and your Daddy on a regular basis. Our once super shy, super sensitive, super reserved boy is coming out of his shell. And in true turtle form, it is happening slowly, but once I look back 6 months, 3 months, 1 month, it feels like it is happening so fast! You are becoming so much more confident in yourself and I literally could not be more proud of you.
So with the new age of 4 came a new attitude and I have to say it is still here. We are still working on this negative behavior with you and some weeks it seems to be getting better, but then we have a bad week and we are back at square one. You really like to push boundaries and you think you are the one in charge in this house. Sorry son, but that is just not the case :)
Of course underneath the attitude is a very very sweet boy. I think everyday for the past month you have told me (multiple times a day) "Mom, I will love you forever" It's so sweet to hear these words and you know just how to melt my heart. In the morning while you are eating breakfast you always say to me, "I didn't get my big hug and kiss!" Even though I always hug and kiss you right when you get up, I don't mind at all doing it again. It is crazy to think one day you will not want to give me hugs and kisses..but my mind can't go there right now or I will become a huge mess!
Your role as a big brother got even bigger a few months ago when your newest sister was born. You were instantly smitten with her and you really are a great helper. When I need diapers, you get them, diaper cream, you're on it, a blanket, it's all you. You are always willing to help me and I will always be grateful for that. You are so in love with Miss Avery, and she is so in love with you. She loves to watch you and you are the only one who can get her to really laugh!
Now your role as big brother to Miss Ella is another story. Ella is now at the age where she can and wants to play with you or your stuff and some days you just don't like that. We are trying to work on you being a little nicer to her because sometimes you get super frustrated and handle yourself in a not OK way. There have been more time outs in the past 6 months than I can even count, and almost all are because you pushed or hit Ella. But then there are times where you and Ella are the best of friends! You include her in your playing and you guys plot against me. If you're somewhere by yourself and getting something, you always say you need another for your sister Ella. So you are always thinking about her, which is nice to know :) I know all of this is normal sibling stuff but I just hope and pray you and Ella are close always.
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You are such a rule follower! This is completely different than Ella :) You know the rules and you are always eager to enforce them when Ella is not following. In some ways, I love this! You are always looking out for your sister and if she is in danger you tell me right away, on the other hand, you literally tell on Ella for every little thing. We are working on teaching you the difference between Ella getting into danger or trouble and Ella just being a kid :)
I can tell you're getting bigger because our bedtime routine has changed, you don't ask me to rub your back anymore or do the walking thing or ask for more hugs and kisses :( You do still ask me to lay with you which I will always do! So please don't stop asking that anytime soon, my heart cannot handle it.
Preschool this year so far has been amazing for you! You have made some new friends and are so confident walking into class everyday. I literally cannot believe later this year you will be starting kindergarten.
Right now we are in the dead of winter so finding stuff to keep us occupied is challenging for Mommy, but we still manage to do plenty of fun stuff! You still love to do puzzles, we play alot of board games, we go to the library quite a bit and you love playing Super Mario on Wii with Dad. Every morning you ask, can I play Super Mario with Dad today? On the days it doesn't happen you get so sad :(
Your favorite toys right now are your new castle you got from Santa, your T-Rex takedown and magnatiles. You love to do crafts still and you are getting really good at drawing. Your favorite shows right now are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Paw Patrol. You are such a good sport though and still watch Mickey & Cailou with Ella.
Brayden, my sweetheart, you make me so happy words cannot even describe! Being able to stay home with you these past few months has been nothing short of amazing. I am truly blessed to be your Mom and I will always remember and cherish these times. I love you more than you will ever know.
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