Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday Favorites {3.17.17}

Happy Friday & Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Image result for happy st patty's day

We've been having such a great week and I think today will be no different. After speech for Ella we are heading to go bowling with one of her friends. I know the girls will have a blast!

Also the new Beauty & the Beast movie comes out today!! I think we are going to wait a week to take the bigs to see it, but is anyone planning on seeing it this weekend?

Now onto my favorites for the week!


Earlier this week I shared this super cute and super easy DIY pot of gold. I know today is St. Patrick's Day but this could be done anytime and would still be fun! I'm so excited to give the kids theirs today!


I also shared a new Facebook group I started this week. You can read more about why I started it here and you can join the group here. I would love to have you!!


I have an obsession with Mindy Mae's Market but on my Stay at Home Mom salary I just cannot buy everything I want. 

I've been eyeing these joggers forever but just don't want to pay that price tag. I did find these that look like a little similar but I'm not sure I would like them because they aren't tight around the ankles.

        Breakout Loungers - Grey                    

Left: Mindy Mae's Market/Right: Macy's


I came across this article this week and it said exactly how I feel. I always say I want more time with my kids, not necessarily another baby (although I wouldn't complain about that either probably!) but for any Mama's out there who are most likely done having kids, I think this article is so relatable


Favorite funnies of the week

Bahahaha this had me cracking up

Image may contain: 1 person, meme and text

Yes! So me!

Image result for i wish i loved exercise as much as i love drinking wine and eating everything

Ha ha I just thought this was funny

Image may contain: dog and text


  1. Bha ha aha, all my hubs is taking about right now is his bracket too. LOVE this and hope you have the BEST weekend beautiful lady!!

  2. I can't wait to see Beauty and the Beast but I'm not sure when we'll get to!

  3. Happy Friday! Sounds like you are feeling much better. We have tickets to see Beauty and the Beast this weekend. I'm sure it's going to be packed but it happened to be the only weekend that worked out for us. I am loving your new FB group. Those joggers look so comfy! I can see what you mean, I like them tight around my ankles too. Have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  4. Mindy Mae's Market is DANGEROUS. I absolutely love them but I have to contain myself because they have too much cute stuff! Have a great weekend, girl!

  5. That article summarizes exactly how I feel. I have actually wrote something similar myself before. If only I could slow down and soak up more time. I hope y'all are having a great weekend!

  6. Okay I had never heard of Mindy Mae's until just about a month ago and I'm still not totally sure what it is, other than an online clothing boutique? Loving your Fb deal page...though I don't need any more money-spending influencers in my life!! And LOLed about that bracket meme! True life.
