Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Easter Basket Ideas

Now with St. Patrick's Day over, I am in full Easter mode over here. I love filling up my kiddos Easter baskets! Over the years, things have changed with what I put in and I've grown to realize they do not need tons of unnecessary crap so I really try and be mindful when gathering ideas.

Here's some fun things I've been seeing that just might make their way into my kids' baskets!

1. Jumping Jack Game - This game looks so fun and I love that all 3 of my kids can play it

2. Stomp Rockets - We've had these before but didn't take very good care of them, therefore leading to the mowers to run them over - but I think it's time we get some new ones and hopefully this time remember to pick them up!

3. Heart sunnies - What little girl couldn't use a new pair of heart sunnies!?

4. Play Doh Eggs - These are such a fun twist on classic play doh (which my kids love to play with!)

5. Color Bath Dropz - This would make bath time fun for sure!

6. Moana Legos - I know Ella would love putting these together!

7. Nerf Gun - What boy doesn't love a nerf gun?!

8. Bubble Machine - I think it's finally time to invest in a bubble machine. I know my kids would love it!

9. Lego City - A little lego set is always a great filler

10. Big Art Set - I actually already ordered this for Ella, I know my little artist will love it! Now to try and keep Avery's little hands away...

Other things I think would be great are this Rub a Dub Princess in a Tub - We always need more bath toys and this set looks so cute and fun! Oh and our new favorite markers would be a great filler as well! And what basket would be complete without some yummy candy!

What are you putting in your littles' baskets this year??

*linking up with Lindsay's Sweet World & Our Pretty Little Girls for Tuesday Talk


  1. Easter baskets were always one of my favorite things to do! This year since the two older ones in college, I found giant eggs at Kroger and I'm going to fill them with all kinds of stuff and ship the eggs. I love all your ideas!

  2. Great ideas for basket stuffers! I'm so excited to do a bit more this easter with my 2 1/2 year old!

  3. We love love love bath dropz. We use them almost every single day.

  4. Great choices, I love putting together my kids Easter basket, and I always go overboard! hehe.

  5. I have started thinking bout Easter Baskets! I just picked up some candy for them the other day and I have a few more things I need to get.

  6. Those are all perfect! Mason will be 7 in May and he still loves the colored bath drops! He likes to use blue {like the ocean} when he's playing with sharks! All.the.legos. Mason is obsessed!

  7. Great list! I have the girls' Easter stuff all bought already, but I may need to check out that cute bunny game! Mila has several Nerf guns like that and we have so much fun playing with them as a family! Granted, we haven't gotten them out since Maci was born haha. And Legos are always a hit in our house too!

  8. Those heart sunnies are the sweetest! I need to get my butt in gear! We only have a few more weeks!

  9. So fun! I want to do a little something for my nephew - not sure what yet!

  10. I'm in full Easter and spring mode too! So many great finds you have here. That jumpinp jack game sounds so cute! I've already been stashing things away for their baskets. For some I usually go overboard with this holiday Beautifully Candid

  11. These look like awesome ideas, it's right around the corner isn't it :) xoxo ERIN

  12. These are some pretty great ideas! I think we need a stomp rocket too.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. You know that I have a lot of those same ideas since you posted them on the deals page!
