Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday Favorites {1.23.20}

Woohoo, here we are, another Friday!! We have a fun night planned - I'm taking the girls to Disney on Ice and Rick & Brayden are doing a dad/son night. the weather is going to be awful though so that won't be fun - mix of snow/rain. I would much rather just have snow!

On to the favorites of the week:


I ordered this top last week and am loving it!! Its super soft and since I'm a shorty I can easily wear with leggings too! it's still part of a 40% off promo so go get it!!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing


I'm trying to eat low-er carb in an effort to drop some holiday lbs that are still hanging around. I have never been one to truly diet, but I do know the one time I did lowish carbs I lost some weight. Anyway, I'm on the hunt for tons of yummy low carb recipes - I made this one this week and it was delish! - if you have any good low carb dishes, send my way please!!


It was snowing all day yesterday and I was stuck at home with a plumber replacing our pressure tank - we had no water for several hours so there wasn't much I could do (laundry, dishes, etc) so I just binged some Dexter and worked in my group - this was the scene out the window, it was so pretty! (although I can't wait to get back into our pool this summer!)


We are patiently waiting for the Ice Castles to open so we can go check them out! they are in the next state but it's a short drive so we'll do it on the weekend - has anyone ever been??

Image result for ice castles


I saw this meme floating around and laughed out loud - for some reason January is really feeling long this time around!!

Related image

Have a great weekend!


  1. Ice castles?! Oh my goodness that sounds amazing! I can't wait to see what they are if you go!

  2. It does feel like January 74th. This month has been tough. Those ice castles look so pretty. I would love to visit them.
