Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday Favorites {5.25.18}

Happy Friday & Memorial Day Weekend!! Sound the horns, this Mama is excited to have a few days of relaxation, mixed in with lots of baseball, and get-togethers!

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Our weather for the weekend is looking great which is for sure a favorite! We are known for having the worst weather over Memorial Day weekend so this is a welcomed change!!


I bit the bullet and got these jeans after waiting for them to go on sale and I LOVE them! If you want to see more stuff like this you should join my group :)

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and shoes


On my quest to being healthier, I made caulflower gnocchi last night (I made everyone else something different but that's ok because this was super easy!)  I covered it with vodka sauce and some parm cheese and it was delish!!


Have you guys seen these? My MIL & Mom bought them for the kids last summer and they just pulled them out and have been having so much fun with them!! They shoot so high in the air and light up at night - totally worth checking out!

Rocket Copters - The Amazing Slingshot LED Helicopters - As Seen on TV


This meme is where I'm at - some days I'm trying so hard to be "good" and other days, I'm like eff it, eat all the things!!!

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I hope everyone has a fun & safe Memorial Day weekend!!

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  1. That last graphic made me laugh!Why can't we have all the tacos?! Oh the agony of picking! That cauliflower gnocchi looks so good! It's been a while since I've had gnocchi! Have a great Memorial Weekend! - Shannon

  2. You're so cute, love that chucks and graphic tee outfit. Guess what? We are headed to Chicago in a coupe hours and I am so excited for the predicted weatehr! You enjoy this festive weekend my beautiful friend!

  3. Oh I’m interested in the calluliflower gnocchi. But vodka sauce on it makes it even better. Love those jeans and tee you got. So cute. Have the best weekend!

  4. Glad the weather looks good, have a good one!

  5. Enjoy your wonderful weather! It has literally rained here for like 2 weeks straight and it's supposed to rain for the next 10 days. Waaaahhhh!

  6. Yay for the extra relaxing time! I heard you all had a great weekend weather wise, so jealous, we only had one nice day here. Haha that swimsuit funny, I am doomed in a swimsuit this year :/ Sierra Beautifully Candid
