Monday, January 15, 2018

Weekly Recap {1.15.18}

Happy Monday!! I almost completely forgot the kids have no school today - good thing I realized it late last night or this morning would be looking alot different! 

We had a good, uneventful week and an even better weekend. 

Monday after school, Ella's friend came over and we played in the snow. The weather was perfect, (30's) and I knew the snow was on its way out with a warm up coming. I helped them build a snowman which they then proceeded to knock him down 5 seconds later :)

Ha ha, yes Ella is pogo-ing in the snow :)

Ella has never been into babies, but ever since Avery got one for Christmas, she's obsessed! She's been loving on a baby she's had for years (but never even touched) and it's really cute to see!!

Amanda from That Inspired Chick posted about these car hooks and I literally couldn't add them to my cart fast enough!!! It's SO nice hanging my purse up rather than tossing it on the floor in the back! I've also used them for hanging bags from the store or the girls' backpacks - seriously, LIFESAVER!

Ella and I headed to the library while Avery was at school and we played a mean game of Checkers - she totally kicked my butt :)

We had to drop the dog off at the vet and Avery was mesmerized by the gerbils 

We had lots of play doh time!

Ella cracks me up! She was doing quiet time in her room and I saw an envelope tossed into the hallway with my name on it - she is so darn cute with her little notes and drawings!!

Friday we had some friends over and the kids played while the adults chatted. Saturday we had dance lessons then Brayden's basketball game. We dropped all 3 kids off at my Moms for their sleepover around 4:30 and then Rick and I headed to a local winery for a tasting. It was so much fun! After that we were going to head home to make dinner but there was a brand new brewery that opened right by the winery so we stopped in to check it out. Definitely a place we will re-visit!

(don't you just love that giant picture photo bomb?! LOL)

After that we came home and Rick grilled us some bone in ribeyes and we had tons of other sides and I was FULL! So full that we hit the couch to watch our shows and I passed out by 8:30pm! So ridiculous but I was so tired! However, then I woke up at 11 and was up until 2am - go figure

Sunday we went to a friends birthday party at a roller rink and it was the kids' first time - they did well overall. Avery was done however within minutes, Brayden really kept trying until he fell one too many times and got hurt and Ella just kept going and going! Girlfriend didn't want to stop, she was having so much fun!

Avery and her friend Avery (they were both born on the same day/year too!!)

Brayden trying to pick out his prizes from his arcade tickets :)


How was your weekend? 

*linking up with BLovedBoston & The Sirois Family


  1. Look at all your snow! What a fun date night! A Winery and a Brewry! FUN!

  2. The car hooks are brilliant! Love the pictures of your snow bunnies and very cute date night! Enjoy the no school day!

  3. Car hooks sound great! I used to love roller skating when I was little!

  4. I love those car hooks. Roller skating used to be one of my favorite ways to spend a Friday night in middle school. LOL! What a fun date night with the winery and brewery. Enjoy your Monday!

  5. Well the snowman looked great for 5 seconds. Our snow has been so weird and not good for making a snowman. Hahah that giant picture photobomb is hilarious!! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  6. Girl, I know I say this every time, but jeez I'm so jealous of your snow! We have a chance tonight and I'm HOPING it happens and sticks this time. The kids are so excited they can't stand it!

  7. Hypersomnia is a neurological disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness during the day or night. The most common form of hypersomnia, primary hypersomnia, is an episodic disorder in which patients experience bouts of excessive sleepiness for at least two weeks out of every month. In contrast, idiopathic hypersomnia is a chronic disorder that affects approximately one percent of the population and typically presents without identifiable triggers. Patients with idiopathic hypersomnia experience bouts of excessive sleepiness lasting days to weeks, but no clear cause can be identified. In this blog post, we will learn about what is hypersomnia and everything we should know about it!
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