Since then, our state has been put essentially on a lockdown - if you aren't an essential worker, you need to be at home so we can help slow the spread of this terrible virus.
I have had so many emotions since this has all happened - angry, grateful, sad, happy, frustrated, you name it. I am a roller coaster most days. The unknown is terrifying and I am really praying this all ends sooner rather than later.
Until then, we are staying home, going on more walks/bike rides than before (doesn't matter the temp!) playing tons of games, doing crafts, spending way too much time on electronics and doing V-Learning - we got this!
I hope everyone is staying safe!!
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There is no one perfect time to get pregnant. However, there are some times when it might be better for you and your baby. If you are trying to get pregnant, knowing when the best time is can help increase your chances of success. Read more here