
Monday, January 8, 2018

Winter Break Recap

Winter Break 2017-2018 is in the books and wow did we have fun!! I'm actually going to miss my kiddos all being home with me!

Let's take a look at what we did over break:

The first day off we made cookies and just hung around - I remember it being a really good day and one that I'll hopefully always remember

We watched Brayden play in his basketball game

We celebrated Christmas and then enjoyed Rick being off work for the entire week after 

We went bowling

We went to the trampoline park

We squeezed in a date night which was extra special because it was snowing 

We went sledding with friends - only got a few pis because everyone's phone died because of the cold


We celebrated NYE

I decided to say yes to mac n cheese for breakfast after Avery asked numerous times

I took the kids to the "fun" library a few towns over - seriously this place is like a kids museum!



We made crafts

We had lots of snuggle time

We saw a magician at the library (same magician who came to Brayden's 5th birthday actually, he's so good!!)

We made sure to drink LOTS and lots of hot cocoa

 And we went to Gameworks with some friends

We had a nice relaxing weekend to finish up break and yesterday we went to an outdoor class my sister was teaching through Tinkergarten. It was pretty cold and I had a total Mom fail and didn't put the kids in their snowpants but Brayden braved it and had alot of fun! The girls hung in the car with my Mom and watched, they were too cold


We all went out to lunch after then spent the rest of the day/night just relaxing.

Now it's back to the grind!!

*linking up with BLovedBoston & The Sirois Family


  1. Hope your first week back to routine goes well. Sounds like a fantastic break full of fun and memories. That local library looks awesome! xoxo ERIN

  2. Definitely a winter break for the books! I bet the trampoline park was a huge hit! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  3. Oh my goodness, what a fun winter break! I love the look of that "fun" library! Seriously, I wish we had stuff like that near here. My kids would lose their minds!

  4. You made the most of sweet break girly! I indulged in lots of hot cocoa too and how cool is that big litebrite! I know you’ll miss em all being home mama, take some Me time! xo

  5. Looks like so much fun. That library looks amazing!

  6. Y'all seriously always have the most fun. I know I say that all the time, but you are really such a fun Momma! And I love the picture of the girls drinking their hot chocolate. I cannot get Jacob to touch that stuff. It's the craziest thing! What's not to like??

  7. What a fun vacation week! My kids often eat lunch/dinner foods for breakfast too.

  8. SO much fun. Coolest mom ever with the mac and cheese move too. I also swooned a tiny bit over that unicorn mug. I mean, really! I think you guys totally rocked your winter break.

  9. You guys did so much this winter break. I’m very impressed!

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