
Monday, August 15, 2016

Weekly Recaps {8.15.16}

Happy Monday friends! This weekend was a great one but definitley went by way too quick. Isn't that always the case?

I never got around to recapping our week before vacation so I'm going to throw that in to today's post.

The kids being goofy with Max, that poor dog! He seriously puts up with so much from the kids.

The hubs pulled out the bike trailer and I jogged along side them. This view is my everything!

What would summer be without Popsicles!

Brayden's been keeping up with his reading by doing Raz Kids online.  It's such an awesome program through his school - first the book is read to you, then you read it, then you take a quiz on it. He does so well with this and I'm so proud!

I love this picture! Bubbles!! 

We went on a playdate to a local splash pad with some other school moms/kids.  It was a great time!

The hubby has been taking the kids to his parents pool once a week for swim lessons. The kids are doing great with this and our bank account loves it too :)  Avery and I rode over (since they live super close) the other week to check them out because Brayden said we never come to the lessons. I think he was happy we came :)

We hung out at the mall play area in between shopping/making returns and getting lunch. Avery was obsessed with the play area and I think that was her first time being let out to play in it. #thirdkidproblems

We went by my sisters house to hang out and the kids were loving her new swingset


We celebrate the hubby's birthday before vacation - the kids had the best time making his cake and singing to him.

The next day we had a family friends daughters wedding. It was fun to get dressed up and go out for the night.

Then we went on our annual vacation which you can read about here and here if you would like :)

This past week I took the kids to a new park on Monday. They loved it and there was alot of fun things our park doesn't have so they were having fun for a long time.

This girl of mine is crazy. Of course she doesn't like the little kid section of the park and of course she had to climb the climbing wall to the highest point of the park and go down the tallest slide. #lordhelpme

The next day we headed to the zoo and we had the best time. No whining, no fighting, just a fun day with my little people.


 The other night I took Brayden to play tennis just the two of us.  It's pretty rare to get alone time with any of my kids so we jumped at the opportunity.

He was so sweaty, he wanted me to take a picture of his hair LOL


 Avery got some new play doh for her birthday so the kids went to town with it (and made a giant mess while they were at it)

Saturday we went out with friends and saw Bad Moms and OMG it was hilarious!! Like I was laughing out loud non stop funny. (no pictures from this night, boo!)

I had to run to the book store to check on something and this girl was cracking me up. She grabbed a book, sat down and starting "reading" She is at such a fun age right now!

Yesterday we spent some time picking up the house and swimming at my in laws.  It was a pretty relaxing day for the most part.

I'm off to start our week. This is Brayden's last week of summer break and I'm going to try to make it a great one

*linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. You guys looked so great for the wedding!! Love your dress girl!! I hope you enjoy Brayden's last week of break!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. That reading program sounds great. What a good way to get them listening/reading/and comprehending what they read!

  3. I thought Bad Moms was hilarious, too! Brookfield Zoo is my favorite - we went there a ton growing up. I am pretty sure me and my brother and my cousins have lots of pictures on the lion. So fun!

  4. I was just telling someone at work this morning that B and I need to get a bike trailer for the kids. He and I used to ride bikes all the time and we haven't ridden ever since before Jacob was born.

    Also, you look HAWT in that dress! It is gorgeous! Looks like the perfect LBD!

  5. You look very nice in that black dress you wore to the wedding. That picture of the dog cracked me up!

    1. Thanks girl!! And yeah, the things these kids do to our dog! LOL
