
Monday, December 4, 2017

Weekly Recap {12.4.17}

Oh Monday, I'm not ready for you today! Our weekend was so fun but that also left for little down time - I just want another day to snuggle on the couch and watch a Hallmark movie. #isthattoomuchtoask

Here's a look back at our week/weekend, it was a good one!

On Monday, Brayden got to read a favorite holiday book to his class and share about some of our traditions. Me and the girls got to go watch and it was so fun! I am so proud of him, he wasn't nervous at all to do it, which I totally thought he would be

On Tuesday I took the girls to the library to make gingerbread houses - Ella's little friend met up with us and they all had a blast

Avery did LOTS of this.. ( I don't blame her)

Wednesday I took Avery to the library again while Ella was at school. They were having a holiday dance party and also had a fun little obstacle course set up - Miss A was having lots of fun!

Avery is really into brushing my hair and giving me "hairstyles" as she calls it, which is really her brushing my hair into knots and then twisting pieces - even though it kind of hurts, I love that she does this!

(gotta love my messy room and my bra laying there LOL)

We have been having gorgeous weather - me and Miss A played outside for a while last Thursday afternoon (Ella was laying down because she wasn't feeling good) We must have ran around the yard kicking and chasing the ball for almost an hour - it was so fun to play one on one with her

She kept saying, "look Mom, one hand!!" :)

Ella is always such a good big sissy - now she loves to "read" to Avery and it's the cutest thing

Friday night I volunteered at Brayden's school for Breakfast with Santa which was the next day - I was there for a few hours and beyond exhausted when I got home, I just went straight to bed.

Saturday morning we were getting ready for Breakfast with Santa and Ella started throwing a fit about not wanting to go. Like a real big fit about being nervous and she was crying so I said forget it, and she stayed home and Rick took her to dance like normal (I was going to have her skip)

Miss A was quite the opposite, so excited and happy to go!

Saturday night we had family craft night at my house and it was so fun! My cousin (who is like a little sister) also asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding!


Sunday we cleaned and relaxed then when it warmed up, headed outside to play. We worked on baseball with Brayden for a while and he was so excited to have me playing with them (usually it's just him and Rick practicing)

Then we headed to the Zoo Lights!! 


 When we got home the kids wanted a picture with our new snowman :)

and then we relaxed and everyone got to bed at a normal hour.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

*linking up with BLovedBoston & The Sirois Family


  1. I love that she asked you with an ornament - that is such a sweet idea!! Looks like a wonderful and festive weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Such a fun weekend you had! This weather is crazy awesome and we are off to walk outside instead of head to the gym on December 4th...what??? xoxo ERIN

  3. Way to go Brayden with reading in front of his class like a champ! Isn't it so crazy how our kids can be so opposite at times. A is usually the one to throw a tantrum or be scared of things and little nugget is just go with the flow. I love how your craft night came out! That is such a fun idea. We are headed to our zoo's lights soon and I can't wait. Happy Monday! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  4. Connor plays with my hair and oh my gosh! He is so rough with me but he love adding bobby pins and hair ties so I usually allow him then take a ibuprofen for the blunt force hair brush trauma.

  5. Family craft night sounds fun! Love the signs you made. Also love the zoo lights!

  6. Craft nights are the best! I just love your festive heart and spirit!

  7. So much fun!!! And that is so sweet your daughter brushes your hair! Every once in awhile, Matthew will play with mine but it's more out of curiosity. hahaha

  8. What a sweet way to ask you to be part of her special day! Looks like your craft night was a HUGE success!

  9. Aww! I love all that sweet time you spent/spend with your girls. Avery looks so happy brushing your hair! I love when Eliza plays with my hair. Although, two nights ago she put gel in it and I never brushed it out...I'm kind of gross like that. Haha! I love your craft night, too. How awesome is that! Your trees turned out great.

  10. What a fun week! It looks like your library had a lot of fun Christmas events last week, and the Zoo Lights look awesome. I wish our zoo did that!
