
Monday, February 27, 2017

Weekly Recap {2.27.17}

Happy Monday! Our weekend went way too fast as always but we still had a great one!

Here's a look back at our week:

Monday Brayden was off school so we headed to a local bowling alley with several of his school friends. It was a little chaotic but the kids all had so much fun so it was well worth it :)

After bowling, we all picked up food and went to a nearby park to eat/play

some of Brayden's friends :)

Tuesday the weather was still pretty nice so we went on a scooter walk, played in the yard and played chalk

Wednesday was going to be the last day of our nice weather so we headed to a nearby park that the girls love. Surprisingly no one was there so we had the park to ourselves


Everyday when Brayden gets home from school, he immediately does his homework. Ella has started saying she wants to do her "homework" too so I  just pull out some workbooks we have and she goes at it. She is so cute!

Me and the bigs worked on a puzzle Wednesday night and after some frustrating moments, we finished it :)


Brayden's other front tooth had been hanging on by a thread all week and he finally let the hubs pull it out! Ahhh no front teeth! He kept saying how he wished that would have happened around Christmas haha!

Friday I volunteered at Brayden's school for Hot Lunch. It's probably the last time I will for a few weeks since my surgery is this week. I always love seeing my boy at school!

Saturday my sister and nephew came over and after we had lunch we headed to this fun art place so the kids could paint. They picked out their pieces and got at it! They will get glazed this week and we can pick them up Saturday, I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Later at night me and the hubs went to meet our new nephew!! He is just the cutest and I look forward to so many more snuggles!!

We moved Miss A to her toddler bed this weekend in preparation for my surgery (no lifting for 6 weeks) I was extremely worried about this transition but so far so good - she doesn't get out of the bed once we put her in, it's quite comical and we are seriously praying it stays this way!

 Sunday we took the kids on a scooter walk, lounged around the house, did tons of laundry and played outside a little more. At night I finally got around to folding said laundry while enjoying some wine and red carpet! So many best dressed people!

I'm looking forward to cramming in some extra fun this week since my surgery is Thursday and I have no idea how I'll be feeling next week.

Enjoy your Monday! (said no one ever LOL)

*linking up with B Loved Boston

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Favorites {2.24.17}

Boo! Our weather is back to our normal Chicago winter and after the past 2 weeks of pretty awesome weather - that totally sucks.

But enough about the weather, we'll get through it, and after-all it is the weekend! 

Image result for it's the weekend

Here's my favorites for the week:


Did you see my post yesterday about our new matching family Disney shirts??! Umm can you say obsessed because that's what I am with them. It is still months until our vaca but I can't help imagine us wearing these while we are there!


I also shared all the details of my sweet girls first Daddy/Daughter dance. I could look at these pictures everyday :)


On my quest to eating healthier I've been checking out lots of new and different recipes. I even tried the whole cauliflower pizza crust and while it really wasn't that bad, it just won't ever compare to pizza. But this cauliflower casserole recipe looks like something I can totally get on board with! Doesn't it look delish!?

to make low oxalate: sub the flour with potato or corn starch (could use tapioca starch as well in this).:


Have you guys used one of these blenders for applying your makeup? I started using these exact ones a few months ago and I love them! I use them to apply my tinted moisturizer or foundation and I love the way it goes on smooth and seamless, would definitely recommend these!



My favorite funnies of the week! 

Image result for as kids we wondered why our parents were always in a bad mood
Image result for when you drive home and then realize you zoned out the entire time so you're trying to figure out how you're still alive

Image result for cleaning with children in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos

Happy Weekend!!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Our Disney Shirts by Little Jane Lane Designs

Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!! I'm so excited to show off our matching shirts I got for our Disney World trip this year. Yes, we are not going for a while but when I saw these shirts, I just knew we had to have them!

I started searching Pinterest and Etsy and was dabbling with the idea of making my own but then I saw these shirts by Little Jane Lane on Etsy and I knew they were it

Mama Mouse Mini Mouse Daddy Mouse Brother Mouse Matching Shirt Set | Disney Shirt | Mommy & Me Set Minnie Mouse | Family Matching Mouse Set

Working with Jenny, the shop owner, was so easy. She was so nice and understanding with my many emails (I really wanted to make sure I got the sizing right, especially since my kids won't be wearing them for quite a few months) - and was so quick with responding, something I always appreciate!

Once I decided on sizing, my shirts came pretty quickly! When I opened them, I was soooo happy!

I loved the detail on the "O's" in the Mouse - the girl shirts have a deeper red glitter for the bow and the boys look like Mickey, so fun!

I can hardly wait to wear these shirts in Disney!! I'm so glad the hubby goes along with matching shirts :)

There are so many more adorable fun Disney shirts in Jenny's shop - look at this one!

Minnie Mouse Heart Glasses Name | Personalized Disney Shirt | Girl Toddler Youth Shirt | Disney Family Matching Shirts | Raglan Baseball Tee

And this one for the boys, too cute!

Disney Lock up your Princesses Shirt | Mickey Mouse |Baby Boy | Toddler Boy | Disney Shirt | Youth Shirt | Child Shirt

Little Jane Lane also offers so much more other than Disney shirts. Look how cute this tee is for St. Patrick's Day!

Kiss Me | St. Patrick's Day Shirt | St. Patty's Day Shirt | Raglan Baseball Shirt | Girls Toddler Shirt | Lucky Shamrock Clover Shirt

And this one!

Mister Shenanigans | St. Patrick's Day Shirt | St. Patty's Day Shirt | Raglan Baseball Shirt |  Boys Toddler Shirt | Lucky Shamrock Clover

If you visit her shop, you will find a shirt for pretty much any occasion and you won't be disappointed. Ordering from Jenny means good quality, good communication, and good delivery. I hope you check her shop out and find something you love! To see everything offered at Little Jane Lane just go here.

Thank you again so much Jenny for creating the most perfect shirts for my family!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

What's Up Wednesday {2.22.17}

Happy Wednesday! Today our weather is going to be in the 70's! That is simply just insane but I will gladly take it!!

Today I'm linking up with Mel, Shay & Shaeffer for What's Up Wednedsay

What we're eating this week:

On Monday I made one of our favorites - one pan sausage & veggies

We had tacos for taco Tuesday last night per Brayden's request. The rest of the week will be easy stuff but will also include my shrimp & asparagus over quinoa

This Happy Life:

What I'm reminiscing about:

Our 2015 Disney trip has been on my mind lately since I'm now in full planning mode for our trip later this year. We had the absolute best time last time we went and I can only hope it will be the same if not better this year

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling

What I'm loving:

My new hoodie! It's so gorgeous in person and so comfy! Best purchase I've made in a while

I am also loving these wedges - I have been eyeing them since last year and they are finally on sale! Even on sale, they are more than I usually spend on shoes, but I had a Nordstrom credit so I finally bit the bullet - I cannot wait to get them!

Main Image - Halogen® 'Clarette' Wedge Sandal (Women)

What we've been up to:

With this crazy gorgeous weather, we've been outside alot! Park time, walks, scooters, bikes, playing baseball, you name it we've been doing it

What I'm dreading:

Ughhh my umbilical hernia is next Thursday and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement! I have had 3 c-sections so you think I wouldn't be so anxious but I am. This will be my first time being completely put under and I think that has me the most nervous. I just want it to go smooth and be over with already

What I'm working on:

Actually quite a few projects! I've been so lucky with some amazing opportunities that have come my way - you'll be seeing everything on the blog in the next few weeks!

What I'm excited about:

Having my surgery be over and behind me is one. Meeting my new nephew in a few weeks is another! 

What I'm watching/reading:

Still watching the Bachelor but I gotta say I'm pretty much over this season already. I personally don't see Nick ending up with any of these girls.

How to Get Away with Murder is still on my watch list and this week is the season finale and I can't wait for everything to come together

What I'm listening to:

Still have that Kidz Bop cd in the car and every time the kids demand to listen to Sugar & Shut Up & Dance With Me

What I'm wearing:

I already mentioned my hoodie - I also can't get enough of my new jeans and thanks to this awesome weather I've been able to wear my converse daily

What I'm doing this weekend:

Saturday I'm hanging with my sister and nephew who I haven't seen in forever it seems - other than that we don't have any set plans. The weather is suppose to be crummy so I see lots of inside play happening. Oh, and the Oscars are on on Sunday so I will hopefully be able to watch the Red Carpet and some of them

Image result for oscars

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Well it will be our second month for our Girl Chat link up! Hopefully you all join in :)

What else is new:

I just had to register both girls for preschool in the fall and I really can't believe that Avery will be starting in the 3's program. She is going to be one of the young ones with her August birthday, so total other side of Ella who is September so she is the oldest. It's just weird to me they are only 1 grade apart in school!

Bonus Question: What is your “can’t live without” beauty product?

I've only been using this for a couple of months but I really love this face mask by Kiehl's

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

*linking up with Jessi's Design