
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

life lately

We are having such a fun summer so far! I know I for one and soaking in every minute with my little cuties.

Miss A is closer and closer to crawling, she seems pretty happy about it :)

When the girls were napping one day my boy invited me outside to eat popsicles with him, be still my heart!

We had a little scare with Ella Bella a couple of weeks ago.  We were at a splash pad with friends when she fell off the picnic table straight back onto the concrete ground.  She cracked her head pretty bad and I wanted to be safe so I took her to the ER.  Thankfully they said she seemed ok so we just stayed for a couple of hours for monitoring.  Ugh it was so scary though.

This boy, riding his bike more than he ever has...and some days loving it, others not so much. He's just not really into this bike riding thing like we thought he would be

Brayden's first tree he climbed! He asked if he could try it the other week at the park and I said sure. He use to say he wouldn't climb a tree until he was 10 :)

Nothing cuter than a baby in a baby swing!

We actually had a super hot day the other week and me and my boy had a full on water fight. We were both soaked head to toe and it was so much fun! This is the same boy who use to cry and cry and have to change his shirt if you got him just a little wet....

Making 4th of July crafts :)

We went on a scavenger hunt at the local nature center (which was on our summer bucket list) Brayden had a blast finding everything!

My little boy started his tennis lessons the other week and he has been loving them. Little sister just had to jump in for the picture too :)

Ella was having some girl issues which I thought was a UTI or something like that but it turned out there was no infection. So now I just don't know what was causing her pain :( But she did look like the cutest and most fashionable patient ever!

I took all 3 kids to the local pool by MYSELF the other week and suprisingly it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  However, that was after it took me an hour to pack everything and I swear it looked like we were going on a week vaca...

We had lots of fun this day and I think it was easy to manage everyone because it wasn't busy at all.

I think Ella went down this slide no less than 100 times...

We took the kids to get frozen yogurt one night after dinner.  Frozen yogurt is always a fun treat!

We went to a local kids amusement park with friends the other week and the weather was perfect! The kids had so much fun!


Brayden helped the hubs the other night gather a bunch of wood we needed to burn, he LOVED being his Daddy's helper!

We've been making good use out of our crazy forts! We may not be the best rocket ship makers but we still had lots of fun putting it together :)

Brayden went to 2 birthday parties last weekend, this is him with his buddy Matthew, silly boys!

And here he is with his buddy Nathan - so cute!

Ella was invited to Nathan's party too and she had so much fun jumping all over the gymnastics equipment

I got to go out for my youngest sister in laws bachelorette party over the weekend.  We had so much fun!

This little guy started his first day of summer camp yesterday! It's a camp geared on learning about rocks (his pick) and is only for a week.

I thought for sure at drop off he would have cried, but nope, he didn't shed one tear! Me on the other hand, shed quite a few as I walked away from him.

He makes me so proud!!

While big brother is at camp and little sister is sleeping, me and this girl were playing in the sandbox, one of her favorite things to do!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

weekend {re} cap - fathers day edition

Well that weekend went quick! We didn't do too much but spent lots of family time together which is always the best!

Friday night, Brayden & I had a sleepover downstairs in our family room by the "big tv" as he says. We had planned it all week because he had been asking.  We went to Walgreens earlier in the week to pick out candy for our sleepover and definitely overindulged! We ate too much candy, I had some wine, and we passed out 15 minutes into his movie choice - Planes. The hubby joked the next day how lame we were, LOL

Saturday we didn't do much.  I had clean out the fridge on my to do list and finally tackled it.  I won't even share how long it's been since I've done that.... It took me over an hour but the entire fridge is sparkling clean now and it makes me so happy when I open it.

The weather was suppose to be gorgeous so we had always planned to go swimming in the afternoon, but that gorgeous weather never showed up! Nonetheless, we still took the kids because they wanted to go.  Thank goodness the pool was heated because it was not nice out!

Fathers Day morning we did presents and had a light breakfast because we knew we were going to eat so much food later on at my in laws. 

Best attempt at a family picture :)

The hubby loved everything the kids made him! And they were so excited to help him open

Later that morning we sent Brayden & Ella outside to play because they were starting to get way too wild inside and we had things we needed to get done.  I love when I look out and they are playing so nice!

The rest of the day/night was spent at my in laws.  The hubby made his famous ribs and there was so much other delicious food.  We could barely move after eating :)

The kids enjoyed the hot tub since their pool isn't ready yet...don't worry, the hot tub is really turned a lukewarm tub for the kiddos.

Water table fun!


This boy - he jumps in front of the phone every time I try to take a selfie with Ella Bella!

We weren't sure what happened because she was literally happy .5 seconds before this. We started walking in the garage and she started crying and turned back around down our driveway and just sat on the ground.  Girls...yikes!

The night ended with baths, stories and cuddles and the hubby and I enjoying ice cream watching some new shows...that we both fell asleep watching less than half way in. Ahhh such is the life of tired parents!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Happy Friday {6.19}

Wow, this week has been a doozy for me! There hasn't been one particular thing to make it that way, just a combination of tons of tantrums, kids waking up WAY too early and a constant cranky baby.

Today we are off to a fun adventure theme park for littles with some friends and their kids, and it's a place that we just happen to have on our summer bucket list - Check!

Now, let's get back to the point of today's post, it's time for the link up :)

The Disneystore was having a huge sale yesterday and I scooped these dolls up for $7/each! I got Belle/Beast and Flynn Rider/Repunzel.  I plan on giving 2 to Ella for her birthday and the other 2 for Christmas. See, told you I'm always thinking about Christmas :) - they're still a great price, just not as great

Belle Classic Doll - 12''The Beast Classic Doll - Beauty and the Beast - 12''

Rapunzel Classic Doll - 12''Flynn Rider Classic Doll - 12''

I've been wanting to order this game forever but just never have, but that changed yesterday. It should be here this weekend and I can't wait to play it with Brayden & Ella.  The details say this is a game for 18months + but a lot of reviews say it's not appropriate for an 18 month old. (too young) So I'm hoping my kiddos will enjoy it.

Do any of you have this game?

I know it's not fall but this slow cooker apple cinnamon oat breakfast is calling my name...think I need to make this very soon!

Throw the ingredients in your slow cooker before bed and you’ll have warm overnight apple cinnamon oats ready when you wake up.

Even though we have a pool pass to our park district pools, I want to get something for our backyard (that is if it ever gets nice enough to use it) and I'm debating between this or this. I know my almost 5 year old probably won't have as much fun as my almost 3 and 1 year olds, but I need something that the baby can kind of play in too

If anyone has recommendations for something similar, I'd love to hear!

Banzai Baby Sprinkles Splish Splash pool        

This weekend is Father's Day and of course we will be celebrating one awesome Dad, my hubby. He is so good at this Daddy thing and the kids just adore him. You can see here the fun Father's Day crafts the kids made him. 

note to self: need to take a picture of the hubs will all the kids by himself on Sunday. I don't have even one picture like that!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Linking up with: