
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Little Man's First Trip to the Dentist

So I have been slacking for a while now in taking Brayden to the dentist - I put him on my dental insurance in 2012 and completely forgot to take him the whole year, and now that 2013 was nearing an end, I figured I better take advantage of paying for this insurance :)

I was completely prepared for an all out melt down, crying, screaming, the works.  See, when anyone new invades Bryayden's space, he usually throws a fit of some sort.

Here we are in the waiting room - he's so happy because he doesn't really know what's coming next, ha ha.
(side note, my little baby looks so big here :( )

I was shocked when I got him to sit in the chair, at first he wasn't having it, but finally obliged..

He covered his eyes for a couple of minutes then finally opened them, but only to then clamp his mouth shut, ha ha.

Finally the hygienist pried got it open

That was it! We left there without every shedding any tears! The dentist gave him a ball when he was done and he hasn't let go of it since! My little boy is growing up!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cutting down our Christmas tree - 1st Annual!

I have been telling the hubby for years that once our kid(s) are old enough to understand, I wanted to start a new tradition of cutting down our own Christmas tree every year.  He was so not on board with this but I knew we had plenty of time before it would happen, so for the past several years, we have put up our fake tree.

This was the year I knew Brayden would totally love going to cut down our own Christmas tree - and boy was I right! To my surprise, the hubby didn't even put up a fight!

We found this adorable little tree farm only about 20 minutes away, and we were able to bring our pup along too!

When we got there, we were given a saw and a thingy to hold your tree and bring it back once it was cut.  We started off and wandered and wandered for that *perfect* tree - we ended up going to the very end of the lot where I saw it, it was just perfect!

The hubby started cutting and once it was ready to fall over, Brayden came and helped push it down.

Our perfect tree!

Little Miss was not happy about searching for a Christmas tree :(

After we got our tree, we brought it back to the house and the guys took it from there to shake out all of the needles and wrap it up for us.  Meanwhile, we went inside and ordered up some hot chocolate.  The place was small, but oh so cozy and quaint!  I just adored it.  While talking with the lady's at the counter, we discovered this was the last year the man who owned the farm was doing this!! I was instantly crushed, I had fallen in love with this little farm and had already dreamed up in my head the many years we would come here.. Hopefully we can find a place just as cute that's not a million miles away next year...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Jam Packed Saturday

We had such a great weekend, but best of all was Saturday, when we literally spent all day doing fun Christmas festivities.

First the morning started off seeing my niece's first dance recital...OMG so darn cute! So happy I went and saw her!

Once I was home, the little man and I made some ornaments, something I want to start doing every year.  He made 1 for each of his preschool teachers and others for his and Ella's little tree.  He was so into this and that made me so happy.  

Here he is not wanting to look at the camera but still wanting to show off his ornament

This is what Ella thought of decoration ornaments

Next up, we made cookies, yuuuuuuuum.  Brayden is always my helper in the kitchen and it's only getting more and more fun :)

I got their cute little aprons from Hobby Lobby as well as those iron ons, so so cute!!

Being goofy

Nice smile Brayden!! (I should mention, Brayden was literally bouncing off the walls shortly after this, guess that's what happens when you eat 10 hershey kisses and cookie dough...)

Later, we gave the kids one of their early presents - this was something I was so looking forward to. Starting the tradition of giving Christmas PJ's and a new movie weeks before Christmas.

And Ella was off...see how much she cares about new PJ's and a movie?!?!

Little man was so excited, but mostly for the movie, I think it took him a few minutes to realize there was something else, LOL

Then we finally decorated our tree!

Couldn't get the little boog to turn around for a pic to save my life.  That's OK, he was very focused on hanging those ornaments!!

Loved this day so so much!! Don't know how many more festivities I can cram in, but you better believe I will do as many as possible :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 Recap

We had such a nice Thanksgiving this year, I'm sad it's already here and gone though, the time goes way too fast this time of year, but everyone knows that.

We only do 1 Thanksgiving, my families.  We use to do both but once we had Brayden, we decided that was too much for us, plus the places we went were about an hour apart from eachother.  So we do Thanksgiving with my side and Easter with the hubby's side.

My family does an actual Thanksgiving dinner, so we eat around 5:30ish.  We headed over to my aunt and uncles this year around 3:30 because I knew we couldn't stay too late with the kiddos.  

It's nice because there aren't a lot of people that come, not saying I wouldn't mind that, but I like more intimate settings.  I like that I can actually talk to everyone that is there and have conversations that last longer than a minute.  That's just me though.

I absolutely the love the dress I got for little miss to wear, it was on the clearance rack at Sears for $7!!! I just think it is so gorgeous! And my little man looked so handsome of course :) (Side note, why can't Brayden always smile like this!??!)

We are truly blessed and I realize this everyday, not only on Thanksgiving, but it's nice to have a day to just reflect. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Yellow Brick House has been painted!

So remember when I talked about getting our yellow brick house painted?? Yeah, that was months ago and it has finally been painted and I am finally getting around to posting about it.

This is what we started out with.  A very old brick house, that at some point, was probably a completely different color, but with age, turned yellowish and just looked dirty and dingy.

We've done alot so far to the outside, as I mentioned before, we are doing a complete house reno inside but first wanted to focus on the outside.

Here is how our house looks now.....

It is like night and day!! At least I think so.  I could not be more happy with our white house! At first the hubby thought maybe it was too white, but after a few days his mind changed.  I think going from a dingy yellow to a bright white it such a huge change that some people need time to adjust.  Me? I loved it from the second I saw it.

Now time for the next project....a fireplace remodel!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

5 on Friday - My Christmas List

I haven't participated in a 5 on Friday in a looooong time, I'm back today linking up with Darci over at The Good Life

I thought it would be fun to do my Christmas List, since I don't want much this year.  Here's hoping the Hubby is reading :)

*1* New VS PJ's + Matching Slippers
I am leaning towards these ones because I like that they are festive

*2* I-phone Wallet Case
I never realized how badly I need one of these! It will be so perfect for when I am using the diaper bag and not my regular purse to just throw this in

*3* Erin Condren Life Planner
     I am pretty unorganized and would like to start the new year off at least attempting to be better at that!

*4* Book - Spelling it Like it is by Tori Spelling
I love all of Tori Spelling's books so I know I will enjoy this one! She is very relate-able to me as a Mother/Wife (don't judge!)

*5* Book - Melissia Explains it All - by Melissa Joan Hart
I am just interested in the juicy details she spills about other people to be honest, I love a good reality read!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Iphone Dump

It's been a while since I've dumped my I-phone photos!

Snapped this one before I left for work today, Brayden loves our dog more than I can even explain.  He is always so darn sweet to him and it makes my heart melt

It's hard to tell, but Brayden is wearing my work dress boots (with heels!) He likes to put these on and walk around the house, it is so funny :)

Here are both kiddos loving on Max, he is one lucky pup, although I think some days he wouldn't mind less attention, LOL

My loves

Ella and her buddy

Brayden had just given Ella some of his chocolate pudding and this was her reaction :)

Playing with her brother :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

*Fall* Leaf Photo Shoot

I knew I had to get some fun Fall leaf pictures with the kiddos so we set out last weekend to do just that, right in time too since our weather is rapidly dropping!! Chicago winter is on it's way!

Brayden had so much fun helping me rake the leaves into piles, I have such a little helper on my hands at all times.

I literally just love these 2 to pieces! They make my heart so happy and I can't stop smiling when I look at these pictures.  

Oh my gosh, just look at my baby girl! She is just the cutest thing ever!!!

Love this one, Brayden is being so cute and Ella could care less he is right behind her

         And this one! Ella is just so happy that her brother is paying attention to her, she loves him so much!